BitCoen wallet. Based on iZ³ platform 2019
- The description will be supplemented
You can find releases here
iZ³ platform depends on Node.JS version >= 8.2.0
NPM version >= 5.3.0
BitCoen Wallet shell depends on Electron version >= 1.6.2
- Install electron packager
npm -g install electron-packager
And appdmg for OS X (requires XCode command line tools)
npm -g install macos-alias electron-osx-sign appdmg
Preparing for work is done by running the command
npm install
in shell and root directory.
For building Wallet for Windows, Linux and MacOs (Darwin) use shell script. You can use any bash-like interpreter to run. We recommend using git bash from Git console utils.
You can run node server by command
node main.js
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- lailune Andrey Nedobylsky - creator, maintainer