
Simple, text based cellular automaton application. Supports randomized begin state and file loading

How to run

Using CMake

  1. Clone repository
  2. Enter GameOfLife directory cd GameOfLife
  3. Create build directory inside: mkdir build
  4. Go to build: cd build
  5. Create cmake files cmake ..
  6. Build make
  7. Enjoy! ./Game_of_Life

Using Visual Studio

  1. Clone repository
  2. Open *.sln file
  3. Ctrl+Shift+B to build
  4. Ctrl+F5 to run

After launching you select if you want to create a new board, in which case you enter the board size and the simulation starts. Or you have an option to load a board state.

* represent live Cells, # dead ones.

Creating own board states save files.

Board state has to follow the following:

  1. First two numbers are width and height of a board
  2. Zeros are dead cells
  3. Ones are live cells
  4. Total number of zeros and ones has to match given width*height of the board

Plans for the future:

  1. Saving board state
  2. Move from text based to graphic based

App in action:

App in action