
Tutorial on how to use basic Benchling tooling.

Benchling Tutorial


git clone https://github.com/J-E-J-S/benchling-tutorial.git

Download the ZIP


Each directory holds the material and instructions to use a particular tool in Benchling.


  • How to use the auto annotate tool
  • How to create and import feature libraries for annotations
  • How to design primers for sequencing
  • Familiarize with Benchling version control
  • How to align sequencing traces to a plasmid

Digestion Ligation Assembly

  • How to highlight restriction enzyme (RE) cut sites
  • How to run virtual restriction digests
  • How to assemble simple constructs with digestion ligation assembly wizard

Gibson Assembly

  • How to perform a simple 2 part assembly with Gibson assembly wizard

Golden Gate Assembly

  • How to perform a simple 2 part assembly with the Golden Gate assembly wizard