
The engine of canvas games.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A web page 2D game engine developed in TypeScript.

How to build

  1. Install Node.js and Ruby
  2. Install TypeScript
 npm install -g typescript
  1. Run build script
 ruby build.rb

Development Tools

  1. Visual Studio 2013
  2. TypeScript 1.4 for VS2013

Example Code

class Sprites {
    background = new StaticImage(new SpriteImage(Game.images['background']));
    cannon = new Cannon();
    can1 = new PaintCan(450, 'red');
    can2 = new PaintCan(582, 'green');
    can3 = new PaintCan(704, 'blue');
    ball = new Ball();
    plusTen = new Particle(new SpriteImage(Game.images['plus_ten']), 1, function () {
        GameWorld.sprites.plusTen.position.set(GameWorld.sprites.ball.right, GameWorld.sprites.ball.top);
        GameWorld.sprites.plusTen.velocity.set(54, -60);
    minusTen = new Particle(new SpriteImage(Game.images['minus_ten']), 1, function () {
        GameWorld.sprites.minusTen.position.set(GameWorld.sprites.ball.right, GameWorld.sprites.ball.top);
        GameWorld.sprites.minusTen.velocity.set(48, 70);
    lives = new Lives(new StaticImage(new SpriteImage(Game.images['lives'])));
    score = new Score(Game.images['scorebar']);
    gameover = new GameOver(
        new StaticImage(new SpriteImage(Game.images['gameover'])),
        new Button(new SpriteImage(Game.images['play_again'])));

    createPlayingScene() {
        var playing = new Scene(
            this.can1, this.can2, this.can3, this.ball, this.cannon,
            this.plusTen, this.minusTen,
            this.lives, this.score, this.gameover
        return playing;

class GameWorld {
    static lives: number = 5;
    static score: number = 0;
    static scores = GameSettings.load(ScoreSheet);
    static sprites: Sprites;

    static run() {
        Game.init(800, 480);

            "background.jpg", "scorebar.jpg",
            "cannon_barrel.png", "cannon_red.png", "cannon_green.png", "cannon_blue.png",
            "ball_red.png", "ball_green.png", "ball_blue.png",
            "can_red.png", "can_green.png", "can_blue.png", "plus_ten.png", "minus_ten.png",
            "lives.png", "gameover.png", "play_again.png");

        Game.loadAudios("audio/", "music", "collect_points", "lose_points", "shoot_paint", "bubble_burst");

        Game.start(function () {
            GameWorld.sprites = new Sprites();
            var playing = GameWorld.sprites.createPlayingScene();
            Sound.Play(Game.audios['music'], 0.3, true);

    static reset() {
        GameWorld.score = 0;
        GameWorld.lives = 5;


Junfeng Liu


CanvasGames is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.