
Test baselines for Zeek.

Primary LanguageZeek

This test-suite uses the following trace files:

2009-M57-day11-18.trace.gz 2009-M57-day11-21.trace.gz

These traces are part of the 2009-M57-Patents scenario from DigitalCorpora.org.

To quote the web site:

DigitalCorpora.org is a website of digital corpora for use in computer forensics education research. All of the disk images, memory dumps, and network packet captures available on this website are freely available and may be used without prior authorization or IRB approval. We also have available a research corpus of real data acquired from around the world. Use of that dataset is possible under special arrangement.

For more information, see:

http://digitalcorpora.org http://digitalcorpora.org/corpora/scenarios/m57-patents-scenario

We fixed the checkums in the traces though.