
Online Judge API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Online Judge System API

  • Author: J-Hoplin
  • Team
    • J-Hoplin: Backend & Infrastructure
    • Oseungkwon: Frontend

Web Scraper

Use web scraper to fill problem and problem example datas. You need to run this scraper after you execute Online Judge System once.



You can either use AWS Environment or Docker envionment with this single repository

AWS Environment - AWS Elastic Beanstalk Worker

Docker environment - Rabbit MQ Worker


Github Actions CI flow

Frontend Repository

Test Coverage

  • E2E Test: 88.12%
  • Unit & Integration Test: 79.13%

Technical Stack

  • Language
    • TypeScript(Node.js v18 Runtime)
  • Framework
    • Nest.js
  • ORM
    • Prisma ORM
  • Database(Persistence & Caching)
    • MySQL 8.0
    • Redis
    • AWS S3
  • Issue Tracking
    • Sentry
  • Proxy Server
    • Nginx
  • Infrastructure
    • Docker & Docker-Compose
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk(EC2 Instance)
      • Node.js Runtime x2 (Worker Server & Web Server)
      • Docker Runtime x1
      • AWS Worker Communication
    • AWS Auto Scaling Group
    • AWS SQS: For worker server
    • AWS S3: Build Versioning
  • Test
    • Jest
    • Jest-Extended
  • CI/CD
    • Github Actions
    • Code Pipeline & Code Build
  • Alert
    • Discord

Run Application

  1. Git clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/J-Hoplin/Online-Judge-System.git
    cd Online-Judge-System
  2. Install dependencies

    yarn install
  3. Run/Stop database with docker

    # Start
    yarn db:dev:up
    # Stop
    yarn db:dev:down
  4. Sync prisma schema to database

    yarn db:push
  5. Run application

    yarn dev

Run Application with docker

  1. Build docker image

    docker build -t online-judge .
  2. Run with docker enviornment

    yarn docker:up
  3. Remove docker environment

    yarn docker:down

Run Application with Rabbit MQ locally

.env setting to use Docker Rabbit MQ worker

To use Rabbit MQ worker, you need to set both TYPE and QUEUE_TYPE as webserver and RMQ each. This is fundamental setting to use Rabbit MQ worker setting.





To modify docker rabbit mq worker's .env file, modify .docker.worker.env. And if you want to modify docker webserver application, modify .docker.env.

How to build

  1. Build docker image

    yarn docker:build
  2. Run integrated application docker compose environment

    yarn docker:up

Run E2E Test

  • Config: test/jest-e2e.json
  • Mock Provider: test/mock.provider.ts
  1. Run database

    yarn db:dev:up
  2. Initialize test database

    yarn test:init
  3. Run E2E Test

    yarn test:e2e
  4. Run E2E Coverage Test

    yarn test:e2e:cov

Run Unit Test

  • Config: test/jest-unit.json
  • Mock Provider: test/mock.provider.ts
  1. Run database

    yarn db:dev:up
  2. Initialize test database

    yarn test:init
  3. Run E2E Test

    yarn test:unit
  4. Run E2E Coverage Test

    yarn test:unit:cov


  • Apply Strategy Pattern to Asynchronous Worker
    • Use Nest.js Custom Provider
    • Rabbit MQ Strategy & AWS SQS Strategy
  • Make Online Judge Server with Golang
    • Now using Judge0 based custom server