

Time-Date sensor with many attributes for a more accurate use of name of times and dates in Danish.

For installation instructions see this guide.

Quick start

Add the following to your configuration.yaml


State and attributes



Attribute name Example value Description
attribution Created by J-Lindvig Name of the creator
ts 1642334220.007388 Current timestamp
day 16 Number of day in the month
day_tts sekstende Spoken name of the day
month_names Januar, Februar, Marts, April, ... List of the months in danish
month_name Januar Name of the current month
year 2022 Current year in 4 digits
weeknumber 2 Current weeknumber
even_week true Boolean stating even/odd weekno.
weekday 7 Current number of weekday
weekdays_names_short Man, Tirs, Ons, Tors, Fre, ... List of the weekdays in short form
weekday_name_short Søn Name of the weekday in short form
weekday_name Søndag Name of the weekday in long form
time 12:57 Time in HH:MM format
time_tts 3 minutter i 1 om middagen Time as snaturally spoken
advents_dates 27-11-2022, 04-12-2022, ... List of the adventsdates
sun_next_rising 08:32 Time of the next sunrise in HH:MM
sun_next_rising_tts 32 minutter over 8 om morgenen Time if the next sunrise as TTS
sun_next_setting 16:24 Time of the next sunset in HH:MM
sun_next_setting_tts 24 minutter over 4 om eftermiddagen Time of the next sunset in TTS
friendly_name Time, Date and other attributes in Danish Friendly name of the sensor