
Simple Caesar Cipher API

Primary LanguagePython


Hi! Welcome to the Caesar Cipher API :). This API it's an implementation of this basic encryption algorithm.

How to use it

It's really simple. The API expects a json with the following structure

    "shift": int,
    "content": str

where shift it's the shift you want to apply to the alphabet and content the message you want to encrypt/decrypt

Important: We only support messages in spanish with letters. If you use a number or special mark such as ! @ # ... the API will return an error. Another thing to mention is that all the messages are capitalized.


This API has two endpoints - or 3 if you count the root one - which are: encrypt and decrypt. I think it's clear what each endpoint do. For both, you just need to pass a json with the structure we already saw


Let's say we want to encrypt the message "ZAPATO" with a shift=10. In that case we just need to POST to encrypt the following json


And we'll get this response from the API


If now we want to decrypt that message we need to do the same thing, but with decrypt


And the API will return

    "message": "ZAPATO"

That's all! Enjoy using our API :D