
mediql npm package

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MediQL is a GraphQL developer tool, built to work on top of GraphiQL, an open-source web-based integrated development environment (IDE). MediQL takes it a step further by delivering query response visualization, error indication, and the ability to observe original external API response objects which GraphiQL can not.

The mediql package contains only the functionality necessary to deliver a developer's resolved external API responses as well as the GraphQL query response to MediQL's server.

Note: this package is strictly for development mode.


  • In your application's GraphQL Schema file or your file with resolvers...
  • Import the postOriginResp function from the mediql package using CommonJS module syntax.
  • Invoke the postOriginResp function inside each of your resolvers with specific arguments shown below:
//import the postOriginResp function from the mediql package
const { postOriginResp } = require('mediql');

const {
} = require("graphql");

const RootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: "RootQueryType",
  fields: {
    Movie: {
      type: SwapiMovieType,
      args: { id: { type: GraphQLString } },
      async resolve(parent, args, context, info) {
        try {

//declare the response variable assign it to the result of your fetch request to the external api url of your choice
          const response = await fetch(
              headers: { "content-type": "application/json" },

//declare the parsedResponse variable as the parsed JSON response of your previous response variable
          const parsedResponse = await response.json();
//invoke mediql's packaged function with the arguments of response, parsedResponse, and info respectively.
          postOriginResp(response, parsedResponse, info);

          return parsedResponse;
        } catch (err) {
          console.error("Error fetching movie:", err);
          throw new Error("Unable to fetch movie");

module.exports = new GraphQLSchema({
  query: RootQuery,
  • In your application's server file...
  • Import the postQueryResp function from the mediql package using CommonJS module syntax.
  • Import the graphqlHTTP function from the express-graphql package.
  • Set up a route at the endpoint /graphql using Express and use the graphqlHTTP() middleware with arguments of schema which was declared beforehand, graphiql which enables GraphiQL, context, and extensions to be able to call the postQueryResp function.
const express = require("express");

//Import the graphqlHTTP function from the express-graphql package
const { graphqlHTTP } = require("express-graphql");

//Import the postQueryResp function from the mediql package
const { postQueryResp } = require("mediql");

const app = express();

//Import your GraphQL schema file and declare it as the variable schema
const schema = require("./schema/schema.js");

const cors = require("cors");
const PORT = 3900;

//Set up the /graphql route (i.e.: http://localhost:${PORT}/graphql)
    graphiql: true,
    context: ({ req }) => ({ req }),
    extensions: async (
      { document, variables, operationName, result }) => {
//Invoke postQueryResp with result argument

app.listen(PORT, console.log(`Server running on port ${PORT}`));


See https://github.com/oslabs-beta/MediQL#readme
