
diagctx is a C and C++ library to have context when diagnostic is required (warnings, errors). Compatible with error handling with C setjmp/longjmp and C++ exceptions.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

diagctx, providing context to diagnostics

diagctx is a C and C++ library which allows to give additional context for diagnostics, including error handling. The library is licensed under the Boost Sofware License 1.0 and is composed of only two files: diagctx.h and diagctx.c. The API and documentation is inside diagctx.h.

The library is written in the common C/C++ language, compatible from C89 to latest C++. It does not perform memory allocations so it is also suitable for embedded systems. The easiest way to use diagctx to your project is to directly include the files in your project.


When programming, errors occur in deeply nested functions (memory allocations, user input parsing, etc). But these functions do not know where their inputs came from, because the context is scattered among parent functions. The aim of diagctx is to provide a utility to retrieve context when diagnostic is needed.

It works well with distant error handling, such as C longjmp and C++ exceptions. When a jump is done from function func_10 to func_5 (either because of longjmp() or throw/catch), the context acquired across func_6...func_10 is still available for reading. So setjmp and catch-block needs only to be positioned where the error handling is actually done.

The alternative idiom in C++ is to catch exceptions, and rethrow them with additional context. See below for comparison of these alternatives.

How does it work

In diagctx, a thread_local stack (the data structure) of messages is used. Messages are pushed when context is available with diagctx_push. Messages are popped when context is obsolete with diagctx_pop. At any point, pushed messages can be read with diagctx_get. diagctx_get will also handle messages which are obsolete but were not removed, because some diagctx_pop were not executed due to a longjmp() or catch-throw.


There are both a C89 example and a C++17 example in the directory examples/. You can compile them with:

gcc -std=c89 diagctx.c examples/main.c -o diagctx-example
g++ -std=c++17 diagctx.c examples/main.cpp -o diagctx-example

The examples will examine an ASCII string line-by-line, and count the number of uppercase letters in each line. If a line contains a non-ASCII character, an error is raised.


Hello World!
ABC def GHI jlk
Hello \x86 World!
\x97 test


Line 1: 2 upper characters
Line 2: 6 upper characters
      line 3
        count_uppercase_ascii("Hello � World!", 14)
          error: found '\x86' at position 6
      line 4
        count_uppercase_ascii("� test", 6)
          error: found '\x97' at position 0
      line 5
        count_uppercase_ascii("���", 3)
          error: found '\x80' at position 0
Line 6: 6 upper characters

Comparison with catch-and-rethrow idiom

Here are two C++ examples which demonstrate the differences:

//////// catch-and-rethrow ////////

int div(int a, int b) {
    if (b == 0)
        throw invalid_argument("div by zero");
    return a / b;

int eval(string const& expr) {
    istringstream in{expr};
    int a; char op; int b;
    in >> a >> op >> b;
    try {
        switch (op) {
        case '/': return div(a, b);
        default: throw invalid_argument("unknown operation");
    } catch (...) {
        throw_with_nested(invalid_argument("while evaluating '" + expr + "'"));

//////// diagctx ////////

// using 'debug_ctx' from <examples/main.cpp>

int div(int a, int b) {
    if (b == 0)
        throw invalid_argument("div by zero");
    return a / b;

int eval(string const& expr) {
    unsigned msg_id = debug_ctx("while evaluating '", expr, "'");
    istringstream in{expr};
    int a; char op; int b;
    in >> a >> op >> b;
    switch (op) {
    case '/': return div(a, b);
    default: throw invalid_argument("unknown operation");

The most important difference is that with catch-and-rethrow, the context is created only on errors, so it may be quicker when no exceptions occur.

However, diagctx provides two things which catch-and-rethrow cannot provide.

First, you can access the context even when no error occured. For instance, you may want to emit a warning, which does not stop the program flow. With diagctx, this is easy:

void warn(unsigned last_msg_id, string_view msg) {
    cerr << "Warning! " << msg << "\n";
    cerr << "Context:\n";
    int nesting_lvl = 1;
    diagctx_get(-1, debug_handler, &indent_level); // same 'debug_handler' as <examples/main.cpp>

With catch-and-rethrow, it cannot be done.

Second, memory usage is controlled. With diagctx_init(), you specify a maximum number of stored messages. If this number is reached, then diagctx_push() will return NULL. However, the rest of the library remains the same. diagctx_pop() will still be correct. diagctx_get will call the handler with NULL to represent non-stored messages.

To see this, you can edit the main function of either examples/main.c or examples/main.cpp, and specify a smaller capacity. For example, if we use capacity == 3, we have the following output:

Line 1: 2 upper characters
Line 2: 6 upper characters
      line 3
        ??? (no memory available)
          ??? (no memory available)
      line 4
        ??? (no memory available)
          ??? (no memory available)
      line 5
        ??? (no memory available)
          ??? (no memory available)
Line 6: 6 upper characters

Memory usage of nested exceptions is uncontrollable, and so it may be not acceptable for low-memory systems.