
The MyBatis parent POM which has to be inherited by all MyBatis modules

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MyBatis Parent

Java CI Maven central Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots) License


MyBatis-Parent is the MyBatis parent POM which has to be inherited by all MyBatis modules.


  • Builds require JDK 11 or better to build with and will continue to target JDK 8 runtimes.
  • Allowable JDKs to build with include 11, 17, 18, 19-ea, or 20-ea
  • Minimum maven version to build projects is 3.3.9
  • Uses reproducable builds


  • checkstyle - Uses <checkstyle.config> property which can be independently overridden as needed
  • formatter - Uses <formatter.config> property which can be independently overridden as needed. Default spacing is 2 character spacing.
  • JPMS - Uses <module.name> property which needs overridden in every downstream module.
  • encoding - Uses UTF-8 by default which can be overridden through <project.build.sourceEncoding>, <project.build.resourceEncoding>, and <project.reporting.outputEncoding>.
  • compiler - Controlled through <java.version> and <java.release.version> setting source, target, and release with possibilty for split tests.
  • reproducable - Set <project.build.outputTimestamp to controll reproducable build timestamp, this will auto update during releases, it not overridden, it will use value from last parent release.


  • Asm 9.3
  • Mybatis Base Bundle 9
  • Bind api 2.3.3
  • Bnd 6.3.1
  • Build Tools 1.3.0
  • Checkstyle 10.3.1
  • Extra Enforcer Rules 1.6.1
  • Fluido 1.11.1
  • License 4.2.rc3
  • Wagon Git 2.0.3
  • Wagon 3.5.2


  • Antrun 3.1.0
  • Assembly 3.4.2
  • Bundle 5.1.7
  • Changes 2.12.1
  • Checkstyle 3.1.2
  • Clean 3.2.0
  • Clirr 2.8
  • Compiler 3.10.1
  • Coveralls 4.4.1
  • Dependency 3.3.0
  • Deploy 3.0.0
  • Enforcer 3.1.0
  • Formatter 2.20.0
  • Git Commit 5.0.0
  • Gpgp 3.0.1
  • Impsort 1.7.0
  • Install 3.0.1
  • Jacoco 0.8.8
  • Jar 3.2.2
  • Javadoc 3.4.0
  • Jxr 3.2.0
  • License 4.2.rc3
  • Lifecycle 1.0.0
  • Modernizer 2.4.0
  • Pdf 1.6.0
  • Pmd 3.17.0
  • Project Info Reports 3.4.0
  • Release 3.0.0-M6
  • Resources 3.3.0
  • Scm 1.12.2
  • Shade 3.3.0
  • Site 3.12.0
  • Sortpom 3.2.0
  • Source 3.2.1
  • Spotbugs
  • Surefire 3.0.0-M7
  • Taglist 3.0.0
  • Versions 2.11.0
  • Whitespace 1.0.4


  • <osgi.symbolicName> as ${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}
  • <osgi.export> as ${project.groupId}.*;version=${project.version};-noimport:=true
  • <osgi.import> as *
  • <osgi.dynamicImport> as empty
  • <osgi.private> as empty


  • <excludedGroups> add slow test groups here and annotate classes similar to @Tag('groupName') whcih will auto enable on CI only

See more details in pom