
organiser tool for conferences and meet-up

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SmallConf is a single page application which provides an organization and social tool for meet up groups.

It is based on ReactJS and stores data in FireSlide. There is no "server side" in this app, everything is just frontend technology.

Enjoy it!

Work on it!


  1. We code on a Mac, you?
  2. NodeJS 0.12.7

After you clone the repository you should run a simple npm install to download the dependencies, with that step done you are ready to run the project and code.

Setup your Firebase

[to be continued...]


# development session
npm start

This script runs the transpiler in watch mode, a development server that uses port 8080 and a LiveReload service on it's standard port.

Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080 to run the app on your local machine!


# test a release locally
npm run start-release


We are in a so early stage that we don't have fancy rules or strict processes.

  1. fork the repo
  2. hack on it
  3. create a PR
  4. discuss it with us