
A CRM-1 repository exploration package

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

crm1 Python package

This package is a Python implementation of the CRM-1 specification.

You can find the specification here.


You can install the package using pip:

pip install crm1


"""Usage example for the crm1 module."""

from crm1 import Repository, RepositoryPool, autorepo, make_pool

# You can get a repository from a URL
repo1 = Repository("https://crm-repo.jojojux.de/repo.json")
repo2 = "https://repo.crmodders.dev/repository.hjson"

# Now we create a pool and add the repositories to it
pool = RepositoryPool()
# The RepositoryPool class can also take a string, a RRepository or a dict as a repository, it will automatically create a Repository object
# A RRRepository is a dataclass that holds the raw data of a repository

# You could also use the autorepo module to get all repositories known to the Autorepo at https://crm-repo.jojojux.de/repo_mapping.json
repos = autorepo.get_all_repos()
# You can also use the make_pool function to create a pool from a list of repositories
pool2 = make_pool(repos)

# Now we can get a mod from the pool
mod = pool.get_mod("dev.crmodders.flux")
print(mod.meta.name)  # This will print "Flux API", the mods name

print(mod.meta.ext.changelog) # The mod.meta.ext attribute holds the CommonModExt object, which add typing and docs to commonly used fileds the mod.ext dict.
# The unknown fields are stored in the mod.meta.ext.others attribute, which is a dict.
# If you want to get the original mod.ext dict, you can use mod.original_ext.

# Now we load a different mod
mod2 = pool.get_mod("com.nikrasoff.seamlessportals")

# We can now iterate over the dependencies of the mod
for dep in mod2.depends:
    dep.id = "dev.crmodders.flux"  # Ignore this line, this is required because the de.jojojux.crm-repo repository has a bug, see https://github.com/J0J0HA/CRM-1-Autorepo/issues/6
    print(dep.mod)  # This will print None, because the dependency was not yet resolved
    # We can resolve the dependency by calling the resolve method and providing a repository or a pool to search in
    )  # This will print the mod object, as it is returned by the resolve method, but is also stored in the dependency object at dep.mod
    # We can now access the mod object from the dependency object
    )  # This will print the name of the mod, in this case "Flux API". If the dependency could not be resolved, the dep.mod attribute will still be None

Everything is typed and documented, so you can use your IDE's autocomplete and documentation features to explore the functionality of the package.



The helpers.versions module provides classes to work with versions and version ranges.

from crm1.helpers.versions import Version, VersionRange, range_from_maven_string

range1 = VersionRange.from_string("[1.0,2.0.1)")
print(range1.lower, range1.lower_mode)
# 1.0.0 VersionEndMode.INCLUSIVE
print(range1.upper, range1.upper_mode)
# 2.0.1 VersionEndMode.EXCLUSIVE

range2 = VersionRange.from_string("(1.0,]")
print(range2.lower, range2.lower_mode)
# 1.0.0 VersionEndMode.EXCLUSIVE
print(range2.upper, range2.upper_mode)
# None VersionEndMode.INCLUSIVE

vers1 = Version.from_string("1.0")
vers2 = Version.from_string("2.0.1")
vers3 = Version.from_string("20.1")

print(vers1 in range1)
# True
print(vers2 in range1)
# False
print(vers3 in range1)
# False
print(vers1 in range2)
# False
print(vers2 in range2)
# True
print(vers3 in range2)
# True

# [1.0.0,)
# (1.0.0,)
# (,1.0.0)
# (,1.0.0]
# 1.0.0
# (,)


This package is licensed under the MIT license. You can find the full license text in the LICENSE file.