This project is using the Clean Architecture, and is split up into several "layers". Each layer have their own Its also implementing the CQRS pattern, and MediatR is used to implement this pattern.
Write-Host "About to Create the directory" -ForegroundColor Green
mkdir Reactivities
cd Reactivities
Write-Host "About to create the solution and projects" -ForegroundColor Green
dotnet new sln
dotnet new webapi -n API
dotnet new classlib -n Application
dotnet new classlib -n Domain
dotnet new classlib -n Persistence
Write-Host "Adding projects to the solution" -ForegroundColor Green
dotnet sln add API/API.csproj
dotnet sln add Application/Application.csproj
dotnet sln add Domain/Domain.csproj
dotnet sln add Persistence/Persistence.csproj
Write-Host "Adding project references" -ForegroundColor Green
cd API
dotnet add reference ../Application/Application.csproj
cd ../Application
dotnet add reference ../Domain/Domain.csproj
dotnet add reference ../Persistence/Persistence.csproj
cd ../Persistence
dotnet add reference ../Domain/Domain.csproj
cd ..
Write-Host "Executing dotnet restore" -ForegroundColor Green
dotnet restore
Write-Host "Finished!" -ForegroundColor Green
#To run:
cd into API then run this command:
dotnet watch --no-hot-reload
and cd into client-app then run this command:
npm start