A repo with SCSS & SASS example code for reference

Primary LanguageHTML

sass-loader npm install sass-loader sass webpack --save-dev

sass [ssass/scss-filename] [output-filename] if output filename is the same as another file, it overwrites it use following for autocompile any changes sass --watch [ssass/scss-filename]:[output-filename] if output filename is the same as another file, it overwrites it

storing colors in a variable: $main-color: #521751; also lists: $border-default: 0.05rem solid $main-color; Map: $colors: (main: #521751, secondary: #fa923f); map.get($colors, main); Have a color depend on another color automatically: background: lighten(map.get($colors, main), 72%); Calculations: padding: $size-default * 3 0;

partial: _variables.scss <-- contains all variables @import "_variables.scss"; <-- imports all variables from the "partial-file"

have a class inherit rules from another class, instead of adding a new class in index.html @extend .sass-section;

Mixins: @mixin display-flex () { <-- save code in a function display: -webkit-box; display: -ms-flexbox; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; };

.container { @include display-flex(); <-- call the function instead of typing it out again Passing arguments to Mixins: @mixin media-min-width($width) { @media (min-width: $width) { @content; <-- replaced with body of the function in the function-call } };

html { font-size: 94.75%;

@include media-min-width(40rem) { font-size: 125%; <-- @content replaced with this }

&-usage: .documentation-link { rule; rule;

&:hover,       <--add the hover to the class instead of nested under it
&:active {     <--add the active to the class instead of nested under it
