
Subtitle alignment for sign language video

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This is the code repository for the article:

Bull, H., Afouras, T., Varol, G., Albanie, S., Momeni, L., & Zisserman, A. (2021). Aligning subtitles in sign language videos. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 11552-11561).

The goal of this work is to temporally align asynchronous subtitles in sign language videos. In particular, we focus on sign-language interpreted TV broadcast data comprising (1) a video of continuous signing, and (2) subtitles corresponding to the audio content. The transformer-based model in this repository aims to localise text subtitles in a window of sign language video.

Baseline results for this model on the BOBSL dataset can be found in the article:

Albanie, S., Varol, G., Momeni, L., Bull, H., Afouras, T., Chowdhury, H., ... & Zisserman, A. (2021). BBC-Oxford British Sign Language Dataset. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.03635.


Further details can be found on our project website: https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/bslalign/.

Further details on the BOBSL dataset can be found at: https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/bobsl/.


To cite our methodology, please use:

	    title     = {Aligning Subtitles in Sign Language Videos},
	    author    = {Bull, Hannah and Afouras, Triantafyllos and Varol, G{\"u}l and Albanie, Samuel and Momeni, Liliane and Zisserman, Andrew},
        year      = {2021},
	    booktitle = {ICCV},

To cite baseline results on this model trained on BOBSL, or to cite the BOBSL dataset, please cite:

    author       = "Samuel Albanie and G{\"u}l Varol and Liliane Momeni and Hannah Bull and Triantafyllos Afouras and Himel Chowdhury and Neil Fox and Bencie Woll and Rob Cooper and Andrew McParland and Andrew Zisserman",
    title        = "{BOBSL}: {BBC}-{O}xford {B}ritish {S}ign {L}anguage {D}ataset",
    howpublished = "\url{https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/bobsl}",
    year         = "2021",


The BOBSL dataset used to train this model is available for academic research purposes only. Please visit the BOBSL project webpage for details on how to access this data: https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/bobsl/.

The number of videos are as follows:

train: 1658
val: 32
public_test: 250

manually aligned train: 16
manually aligned val: 4
manually aligned public_test: 35

Video features

The model takes as input video features, which come from a sign classification model trained using RGB video frames. These features are available as part of the BOBSL data release. The path to these features should be provided using the argument features_path.

Audio-aligned subtitles

The audio-aligned subtitles are located in the folder audio-aligned-heuristic-correction/, available as part of the BOBSL data release. These are used as a prior location for localisaing the signing-aligned subtitles, and the argument pr_sub_path should point to this directory.

Signing-aligned subtitles

The manually-annotated signing-aligned subtitles are located in the folder manually-aligned/, available as part of the BOBSL data release. These are used as ground truth annotations, and the argument gt_sub_path should point to this directory.


As pretraining, the model learns to localise sign spottings. These spottings are available at: https://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/bsldensify/. Here we use M* and D* spottings. Change the argument spottings_path to the location of this .pkl file.


Model checkpoints can be downloaded here. As derivatives of the BOBSL dataset, please note that these model checkpoints are for academic and non-commercial research use only.


Required packages are listed in requirements.txt. Uses Python 3.7.10.

Training procedure

The SAT model is trained following the procedure described in Albanie (2021), cited above. There are some slight differences: lower numbers of training epochs, slightly diffent model used for feature extraction, a handful fewer episodes due to an updated version of BOBSL. The entire training procedure takes less than 24h on a single Tesla P42 GPU.

## Word level pretraining

To pretrain the model to localise spottings, run:

bash commands/word_pretrain.sh

This model was trained for 7 epochs.

Training on coarsely aligned subtitles

Here we train on all the videos in the training set of BOBSL. We consider the ground truth signing-aligned subtitles to be the heuristic corrected audio-aligned subtitles, shifted by +2.7s (signing occurs on average about 2.7s after the audio). To launch this training, run:

bash commands/train.sh

This model was trained for 4 epochs.

Finetune using manually aligned subtitles

We train on the manually-aligned subset of BOBSL. There are 16 training videos with subtitles manually aligned to the signing.

bash commands/finetune.sh

This model was trained for 100 epochs.


To evaluate the best model, run:

bash commands/test.sh

Results are:

Computed over 2642663 frames, 20338 sentences - Frame-level accuracy: 70.89 F1@0.10: 74.08 F1@0.25: 66.78 F1@0.50: 53.22

The predicted aligned subtitles are saved in the folder provided in the argument save_postpro_subs_folder, by default inference_output/subtitles_postprocessing.