
A website and server for teaching and tutoring

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Elixir (Phoenix) codebase containing shadow-cljs that adheres to spec and API.

CircleCI codecov

This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged backend application built with Elixir and Phoenix including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.

Installing / Getting started

To run this project, you will need to install the following dependencies on your system:

To get started, run the following commands in your project folder:

cp config/dev.exs.example config/dev.exs  # creates the project's configuration file
mix deps.get  # installs the dependencies
mix ecto.create  # creates the database.
mix ecto.migrate  # run the database migrations.
mix phx.server  # run the application.

This is a backend project, you won't be able to go to localhost:4000 and see an aplication.

In order to see the Conduit frontend you will need to download and setup one of the frontend projects and set it up to consume this apps api. Typically this can be done by finding the API_URL and setting it to localhost:4000.


To run the tests for this project, simply run in your terminal:

mix test


To generate the documentation, your can run in your terminal:

mix docs

This will generate a doc/ directory with a documentation in HTML. To view the documentation, open the index.html file in the generated directory.

Style guide

This project uses mix format. You can find the configuration file for the formatter in the .formatter.exs file.

Environment variables

This library supports nodejs process environment variables and dotenv.

There is a convenience namespace degree9.env that inits dotenv and exposes the native nodejs functionality.

See .env.example in the root of the repository for an example that can be copied into place and updated with real secrets.

  • degree9.env/get: Takes a key and optional fallback value, returns the value, fallback or empty string as appropriate. Accepts keyword and string keys in all casings. e.g.
    (degree9.env/get :home) ; "/Users/foo"`
    (degree9.env/get "HOME") ; "/Users/foo"`
  • degree9.env/keys: Returns the list of all available env map keywords.


Using shadow cljs + node + REPL is the easiest way to develop without including and rebuilding enterprise as an embedded dependency of some other repository.

We can't reliably use the browser REPL approach because some code must be executed in node. For example, the Shopify API doesn't allow CORS, so browser based POST is not an option.

Shadow CLJS is being used simply because it seemed to provide what we need and I wasn't sure how to setup the equivalent through Boot.

All the REPL config for shadow is in shadow-cljs.edn. The dependencies are being parsed from shadow-cljs.edn into build.boot.

The shadow CLJS docs are pretty good:


The default shadow cljs config is for app and targets node-script, but also can support the browser target too (the config covers both options).

Work with nix-shell

Nix can provide all the tooling needed to run tests and the repl.

This is how Circle CI is configured, using the official alpine based NixOS docker box.

If you don't already have nix-shell then install it:


curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh

Nix will run npm install and set environment variables etc. when entering the shell.

This includes wrapping shadow-cljs so that it appears to be installed globally while in the shell (without installing it globally).

A few nix specific commands are available:


Delete all built artifacts and dependencies that may become stale.

nix-shell --run flush


Run all the node tests under the :node-test shadow-cljs target.

nix-shell --run node-test


Run all browser tests with karma against a headless firefox against the :browser-test shadow-cljs target.

On linux a copy of firefox will be shipped by nix-shell, on Mac you may need to BYO firefox.

nix-shell --run browser-test

Install shadow CLJS

Shadow CLJS is a dev dependency for npm in this repo.

It might be easier to install it globally though:

$ npm install -g shadow-cljs

Shadow CLJS + Node + REPL

First run watch to compile the needed JS file.

$ shadow-cljs watch app

This will start a REPL server, watch files and output to repl-node/main.js.

Next, in a new terminal tab, run the compiled file with node.

$ node repl-node/main.js

This will provide the execution context for the REPL, as a browser normally would. All prn and console logs will show up here.

Finally, in a new terminal tab, start the CLJS REPL connected to the server.

$ shadow-cljs cljs-repl app

This allows for executing cljs code in the node execution environment.

Note that the watch command from shadow cljs WILL reload files dynamically but does NOT automatically reload the state of namespaces from the perspective of the REPL.

To reload an already-loaded namespace, use :reload or :reload-all.

For example:

(require 'degree9.repl :reload)

Would allow edits to degree9.repl/foo to appear in the REPL client without needing to stop and start the REPL server.

Shadow CLJS + Browser + REPL

Edit shadow-cljs.edn so that the :target for :app is :browser.

Run the watch command:

$ shadow-cljs watch app

This will output compiled browser-friendly JS files to repl-public/js/main.js.

A web server will also be available at http://localhost:8020.

Open a browser (e.g. Chrome) to the localhost web server URL. All prn and console logs will show up here.

In a new terminal tab, start the browser REPL.

$ shadow-cljs browser-repl app

Be careful not to refresh the browser as it can mess with the state of the REPL.

To reload namespaces, see the node instructions above.

Shadow CLJS + Testing

Shadow CLJS runs tests for us too, but uses the test build rather than app.

The node test runner in shadow CLJS does NOT need a standalone node instance running as it is configured with :autorun.

$ shadow-cljs compile test