
Source files of <How FP Deals With Effects?>

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연세대학교 공과대학 프로그래밍 동아리 풀씨에서 진행한 How FP Deals With Effects 세미나 자료입니다.

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Session 1

  1. 함수형 프로그래밍 Intro

    • Overall Structure
    • Historical Review (CS + Math)
  2. 함수형 패러다임

    • Core of Functional Thinking
    • FP Fact-Checking
  3. FP는 정말 순수한가?

    • Optimizing with Purity
    • Effect Handling Basics

Session 2

  1. Lazy Evaluation

    • How Lazy Evaluation Works
    • Infinite Data Structure
    • Laziness & Purity
  2. From Functor to Monad

    • Functor in PL
    • Monad in PL
  3. Impurity in Pure World?

    • Side Effect in Pure World
    • Uniquness Typing
    • IO Monad


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HaskellWiki: https://wiki.haskell.org/Haskell

Haskell (WikiBooks): https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell

School of Haskell: https://www.schoolofhaskell.com

모나드의 모든 것: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD7U8sfwsuU&list=PLZQAYIhEkMXHPq0bZekOp8oeGZPkqnNWi

Lambda Calculus - Fundamentals of Lambda Calculus & Functional Programming in JavaScript: https://youtu.be/3VQ382QG-y4?si=nU_G4XFHVdAg3kh2

Category Theory for Programming: https://yogsototh.github.io/Category-Theory-Presentation/categories.html

The Mathematician's Weapon | Category Theory and Why We Care 1.0: https://youtu.be/FQYOpD7tv30?si=0W4linoEUHEgsduk

What is IO monad?: https://youtu.be/fCoQb-zqYDI?si=U5KmLP3tQ-knOn69

Uniqueness Types - The Idris Tutorial: https://docs.idris-lang.org/en/latest/reference/uniqueness-types.html


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