
yandex lyceum Django team project

Primary LanguagePython

Pipeline status

  • Main branch status - main
  • Main branch status - develop

Unpopular designers project Stylehub


image description

code features

  • we are used mypy, pylint, isort, black and flake8 in code writing
  • all functions are type hinted and all modules too
  • we have custom authentication backend
  • project is not ended, we had little time to create this very good
  • we want to create service for designers who customizing clothes
  • we want to localize site and add some technical features

How to run it on windows

  1. Download Python 3.10.0 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3100/
  2. Clone this repo and prepare workplace
  1. Download application dependencies:
  • if you want to make some tests you need to run:

python -m pip install -r requirements\test.txt

  • if you want to develop some features you need to run:

python -m pip install -r requirements\dev.txt

  • or if you want to run it in production you need to run:

python -m pip install -r requirements\prod.txt

  1. Get a secret variables for your application:

create .env file with example.env variables.

Prevent third parties from getting values of your .env variables

  1. Migrate database:

python stylehub\manage.py makemigrations

python stylehub\manage.py migrate

  1. Create your admin account:

python stylehub\manage.py createsuperuser

  • write your login
  • write your email
  • write your password
  • confirm the password
  1. Load fixtures

python stylehub\manage.py loaddata fixtues\save.json

  1. finally run it by this command:

python stylehub\manage.py runserver

Then the application will start on http://localhost:8000

How to run in on Linux OS

  1. Clone this repo and prepare workplace
  1. Download application dependencies:
  • if you want to make some tests you need to run:

python3 -m pip3 install -r requirements/test.txt

  • if you want to develop some features you need to run:

python3 -m pip3 install -r requirements/dev.txt

  • or if you want to run it in production you need to run:

python3 -m pip3 install -r requirements/prod.txt

sudo apt-get install gettext

  1. Get a secret variables for your application:

create .env file with example.env variables.

Prevent third parties from getting values of your .env variables

  1. Migrate database:

python3 stylehub/manage.py makemigrations

python3 stylehub/manage.py migrate

  1. Create your admin account:

python3 stylehub/manage.py createsuperuser

  • write your login
  • write your email
  • write your password
  • confirm the password
  1. Load fixtures

python stylehub\manage.py loaddata fixtues\save.json

  1. finally run it by this command:

python stylehub\manage.py runserver

Then the application will start on http://localhost:8000