
Application web permettant de lister les jeux et consoles ou ordinateurs en ma possession, possibilité d'échanges, ventes, commentaires

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


🎮 Video Game Library 🎮

I. Get started

To start develop:

  • Fork the projects
  • Run composer install
  • Complete .env file with your database credentials
  • symfony console doctrine:database:create
  • symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • Here we go !!

I. DataBase fixtures

To populate database with "The IGDB API" data follow this steps :

  1. Complete .env file with your api key
  2. Run the exemple command for the video game Star Wars Outlaws =>> php bin/console app:import-games "star-wars-outlaws"
  3. That's all !!

Populate command options:

-t / --truncate : Truncate database before populate (index restart to 1)

--page=int : Select number of result page. 1 page = 20 results, exemple : if you want 60 movies in your database you should add --page=3 option to the command (Default is 1)

Enjoy ! And Keep Coding !! 🤓