
App built on Next.js with Redux integration to see Rick and Morty characters integrated with the API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rick and Morty with Next.js

App built on Next.js with Redux integration to see Rick and Morty characters integrated with the API

See app: http://rick-and-morty-nextjs.surge.sh/

Profile character

How does it work?

Require Node.JS

  • Download it: git clone git@github.com:J4ASDev/rick-and-morty-nextjs.git
  • Go to the project folder: cd podcasts-app/
  • npm install to install the dependencies
  • npm run dev for the development environment
  • Look it in your browser: http://localhost:3000/

The project is designed for demonstration purposes, its focus is to demonstrate the management of the Next.js and the integration with Redux to manage the actions and states..
