
Run docker-machine create in ansible

Primary LanguagePython



This is a very simple ansible module to run docker-machine create idempotently for you for infrastructure you have already provisioned.


Require the ability to install docker on some node you've provisioned with, say, terraform? You can do this with docker-machine create which not only installs and configures docker for you but sets up an ssh configuration so you can run docker-machine ssh to connect to those machines.

By default, it's doing a --driver generic as that's all I needed. If you need digitalocean for example with other configuration settings, open an issue. Shouldn't take long to add.

Let's say you want to do this with ansible. You could use shell in ansible, or you could use this, which does it for you. Nothing complex.

The actual command executed looks like this:

docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address {ip} --generic-ssh-key {ssh_key} {name}

How to use

Here is the task, which goes in your playbook:

- name: "Create docker-machine"
    name: "{{ name }}"
    ip: "{{ machine_ip }}"
    ssh_key: "{{ machine_ssh_key }}"

To use this module locally, you can follow the instructions here. Just create a directory called library/ where your playbook is and check out this python file in it or just copy and paste it.


If you run ansible with --dry-run, it'll just print out the output from docker-machine ls for you without effecting any changes.