
Edit, view, filter, and sort todo.txt files

Primary LanguageVim scriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This plugin provides the |:Ttodo| command that allow easy editing,
viewing, and filtering of todo.txt files (see http://todotxt.com) via
|tlib#input#List()|. The plugin supports:

    - syntax highlighting for todo.txt files
    - search across multiple todo.txt files (see |:Ttodo|)
    - filter tasks with specific tags, lists etc. (see |:Ttodo|)
    - subtasks (outlines of complex tasks)
    - hide tasks until a threshold date
    - recurring tasks.

Examples: >

    " Show all tasks; default map (|g:ttodo_nmap|): <Leader>1

    " Show important tasks; default map (|g:ttodo_nmap_important|): <Leader>!

    " Show tasks that are due in the next two weeks
    :Ttodo --due=2w

    " Show tasks with priorities A to C
    :Ttodo --pri=A-C

    " Show tasks matching @Test
    :Ttodo @Test

    " By default, |:Ttodo| scans the todo.txt files in |g:ttodo#dirs|. Users 
    " can also scan loaded buffers.
    " Show tasks in the current buffer
    :Ttodo --bufname=%

    " Command-line options can be collected in preference sets (see 
    " |g:ttodo#prefs|)
    :Ttodo --pref=work

Global maps:

    <Leader>1 ............ Show tasks (:Ttodo)
    <Leader>! ............ Show important tasks (:Ttodo --pref=important)

If filetype is ttodo, the following buffer-local keymaps are enabled:

    <cr> ................. Add a new task;
                           if |g:ttodo#ftplugin#add_at_eof| is true, add the 
                           task at the end of file
    <c-cr> ............... Add a new task; copy any list, tags, and notes from 
                           the current task;
                           if |g:ttodo#ftplugin#add_at_eof| is true, add the 
                           task at the end of file
    <s-cr> ............... Add a new subtask
    <LocalLeader>tx ...... Mark the current task as "done"
    <LocalLeader>td ...... Mark the current task as due in N days
    <LocalLeader>tw ...... Mark the current task as due in N weeks
    <LocalLeader>tm ...... Mark the current task as due in N months
    <LocalLeader>ty ...... Set the current task's priority
    <LocalLeader>ta ...... Archive completed tasks
    <LocalLeader>tb ...... View, filter tasks in the current buffer
    <LocalLeader>t* ...... View tasks in the current buffer that match the word 
                           under the cursor
    <LocalLeader>tn ...... Add a note (the filename uses the first @list tag)
    <LocalLeader>ti ...... Add a hopefully unique ID (an Adler32 hash)
    <LocalLeader>tD ...... Add a dependency

If filetype is ttodo, the following buffer-local commands are enabled:

    |:Ttodoarchive| ...... Archive completed tasks in the current buffer
    |:Ttodobuffer| ....... Show tasks in the current buffer only
    |:Ttodonote| ......... Add a new note to the task at the cursor
    |:Ttodosort| ......... Sort the tasks in the current buffer

As a ftplugin, ttodo supports the following syntax/extensions to todo.txt (see 
also https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/wiki/The-Todo.txt-Format):

    (A) DATE TASK ........ A priority as upper case letter (at the beginning of the 
    DATE TASK ............ An open task
    x DATE DATE TASK ..... A completed task (with completion date)
      indented tasks ..... A indented task is a subtask of the parent task; unless 
                           `has_subtasks` is true, |:Ttodo| will only show tasks 
                           with no open subtasks; this is similar to how the 
                           outline addon handles subtasks (see also 

A TASK may contain the following tags:
    @list ............ a "list" tag
                       NOTE: The is a special list `@next` that marks important 
                       task that should really be tackled next.
    +keyword ......... a "keyword" tag
    h:1 .............. hidden task
    due:YYYY-MM-DD ... due dates
                       NOTE: If a task is member of the `@next` list, filters 
                       by due dates will be ignored
    rec:+Nx .......... When marking a task a "done", add a new task with a due 
                       date in N d(ays), w(eeks), m(onths), y(ears); with the 
                       leading '+' use the original due date; else use the 
                       completion date; this is similar to how the Simpletask 
                       Android app handles `rec` tags
    t:YYYY-MM-DD ..... Hide the tasks until the given date
    t:-Nd ............ Hide the tasks until N days before the due date
    id:ID ............ Define a tasks ID string (an ID should consist 
                       of alphanumeric characters only)
    dep:IDs .......... Depends on task with ID (if the other task is not 
                       completed yet, mark the current task as pending);
                       IDs is a comma-separated list of IDs
    parent:ID ........ In outlines: the current task is the child of 
                       task with ID
    $TTODO$ OPTION:VALUE .. If a line matches `$TTODO$` it is assumed to 
                       contain a file-local option. Search the help file for 
                       `OPTION:` to see which options are available. Users will 
                       typically want to hide such lines using `h:1`

If you set |g:ttodo_enable_ftdetect| to 0, you can use the |:Ttodo| command in 
conjunction with other syntax files/ftplugins such as:

    - https://github.com/freitass/todo.txt-vim
        - todo-txt.vim : Vim plugin for Todo.txt 
          https://github.com/dbeniamine/todo.txt-vim or
    - https://github.com/mivok/vimtodo or
    - https://github.com/davidoc/todo.txt-vim
        - My fork: https://github.com/tomtom/todo.txt-vim-1
    - https://github.com/dsiroky/vim-todotxt
    - ...

Related work:
    - https://github.com/elentok/todo.vim


To install the vimball, edit the vba file and type: >

    :so %

See :help vimball for details.

To install from github, please use
    1. git + a plugin loader like enable_vim, pathogen, vim-unbundle etc.
    2. a plugin manager like VAM, Vundle, NeoBundle, vim-plug etc.

The tlib_vim plugin is required:

Optional enhancement:
- https://github.com/tomtom/autolinker_vim for hyperlinking

Also available via git: http://github.com/tomtom/ttodo_vim


Please set |g:ttodo#dirs| in |vimrc| before using |:Ttodo|.

  tlib (>= 1.26) :: http://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim

License: GPLv3 or later