Awesome Continual Embodeid AI

Continual Instruction Following

  • Online Continual Learning for Interactive Instruction Following Agents(ICLR 2024), PDF, CODE GitHub stars

Continual Vision-based Manipulation

  • TAIL: Task-specific Adapters for Imitation Learning with Large Pretrained Models(ICLR 2024), PDF

  • LOTUS: Continual Imitation Learning for Robot Manipulation Through Unsupervised Skill Discovery(ICRA 2024), PDF, CODE GitHub stars

  • LIBERO: Benchmarking Knowledge Transfer in Lifelong Robot Learning(NeurIPS 2023), PDF, CODE GitHub stars


  • Aligning Cyber Space with Physical World: A Comprehensive Survey on Embodied AI, PDF, CODE GitHub stars


  • Planning to Learn Skill Parameter Policies(RSS 2024), PDF, CODE