
Code for "Countering Language Drift with Seeded Iterated Learning"

Primary LanguagePython


This is the code base for paper "Countering Language Drift with Iterated Learning". Please cite the following if you found this codebase to be useful

  title={Countering language drift with seeded iterated learning},
  author={Lu, Yuchen and Singhal, Soumye and Strub, Florian and Pietquin, Olivier and Courville, Aaron},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.12694},

This codebase is tested on python3.7 and torch==1.3.1.


Clone this repo, and at project root do pip install -e . as well as other dependencies.

Prepare Datasets

python preprocess/prepare_text.py -data_dir DATA_DIR

Put the images of multi30k under the directory DATA_DIR/multi30k/imgs, then do

python preprocess/extract_flickr30_imgfeats.py -datadir DATA_DIR

This will produce train_feat.pth and val_feat.pth under DATA_DIR/flickr30k.

Pretrain & Finetune

python run_pretrain.py --config JSON_PATH --data_dir DATA_DIR --exp_dir EXP_ROOT_DIR
python run_finetune.py --config JSON_PATH --data_dir DATA_DIR --exp_dir EXP_ROOT_DIR

JSON Configs

Sample json config can be found under the folder jsons.

  1. iwslt_en_de.json, iwslt_fr_en.json: Config for pretraining translation agents.
  2. hyperparames_caption.json: Config for language model used for scoring generated English.
  3. hyperparames_ranker.json: Config for pretraining image retriever.
  4. gumbel/: Configs for Gumbel finetuning (vanilla Gumbel, SIL, S2P)