
A simple command line tool to show GPU usage on a SLURM cluster

Primary LanguagePython


slurm_gpustat is a simple command line utility that produces a summary of GPU usage on a slurm cluster. The tool can be used in two ways:

  1. To query the current usage of GPUs on the cluster.
  2. To launch a daemon which will log usage over time. This log can later be queried to provide usage statistics.


Install via pip install slurm_gpustat. If you prefer to hack around with the source code, it's a single python file.


To print a summary of current activity:


To print a summary of current activity on particular partitions, e.g. debug & normal:

slurm_gpustat -p debug,normal or slurm_gpustat --partition debug,normal

To start the logging dameon:

slurm_gpustat --action daemon-start

To view a summary of logged data:

slurm_gpustat --action history

Example outputs

Running slurm_gpustat will produce something like this:

Under SLURM management
There are a total of 12 gpus [up]
3 rtx6k gpus
2 v100 gpus
3 m40 gpus
4 p40 gpus
There are a total of 10 gpus [accessible]
1 rtx6k gpus
2 v100 gpus
3 m40 gpus
4 p40 gpus
Usage by user:
user1     [total: 1 ] m40: 1
user2     [total: 1 ] p40: 1
user3     [total: 3 ] p40: 3
There are 5 gpus available:
p40: 0
rtx6k: 1
v100: 2
m40: 2

Adding --verbose to this command will produce a more detailed breakdown for the section describing gpus that are still available. Example output:

There are 18 gpus available:
m40: 5 available
 -> gnodeb3: 1 m40 [cpu: 38/40, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 68G/257669M] [user1,user2]
 -> gnodeb4: 2 m40 [cpu: 38/40, gres/gpu: 2/4, mem: 60G/193161M] [user1,user2]
 -> gnodec3: 2 m40 [cpu: 12/48, gres/gpu: 2/4, mem: 36G/257669M] [user1]
p40: 5 available
 -> gnodec4: 1 p40 [cpu: 20/48, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 216G/257669M] [user1]
 -> gnoded1: 1 p40 [cpu: 44/64, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 60G/385192M] [user4,user5]
 -> gnoded3: 1 p40 [cpu: 28/64, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 70G/385192M] [user2,user4,user5]
 -> gnoded4: 1 p40 [cpu: 28/64, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 112G/385192M] [user5,user4]
 -> gnodee3: 1 p40 [cpu: 36/56, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 60G/385192M] [user4,user2]
rtx6k: 3 available
 -> gnodef1: 1 rtx6k [cpu: 36/56, gres/gpu: 3/4, mem: 194G/257669M] [user2,user3]
 -> gnodeh2: 2 rtx6k [cpu: 16/24, gres/gpu: 2/4, mem: 96G/385345M] [user2,user1]
v100: 5 available
 -> gnodeg1: 2 v100 [cpu: 16/64, gres/gpu: 2/4, mem: 60G/191668M] [user5,user1]
 -> gnodeg2: 3 v100 [cpu: 8/64, gres/gpu: 1/4, mem: 40G/191668M] [user2]

Running slurm_gpustat --history (after the daemon has run for a little while) will produce something like this:

Historical data contains 7 samples (2020-01-03 11:51:43 to 2020-01-03 11:51:45)
GPU usage for user1:
v100  > avg: 2, max: 4
m40   > avg: 1, max: 1
total > avg: 3

GPU usage for user2:
p40m  > avg: 3, max: 4
total > avg: 3


  • Python >= 3.6
  • numpy
  • beartype
  • seboarn
  • colored

NOTE: This tool has only been tested on SLURM 18.08.7. It is known to break on older versions, such as 17.11.2 as described here (I unfortunately don't have access to older SLURM versions to fix these issues).