
Rust CRUD powered by rusSQLite, r2d2_sqlite and tide-rs

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Tide CRUD Users

Just a Rust CRUD powered by rusSQLite, r2d2_sqlite and tide-rs.

Lean artifact (< 10 MB)

The whole artifact is built with static compiling using MUSL target.

$ ls -lh ./dist/                                  
total 4,2M                                                                                    
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user  16K abr  6 15:36 database.sqlite3
-rwxrwxr-x 1 user user 4,2M abr  6 15:52 tide-crud-users
$ ldd ./dist/tide-crud-users 
        statically linked

Startup message

$ LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG ./tide-crud-users
{"level":30,"time":1617734910475,"msg":"Logger started","level":DEBUG}
{"level":30,"time":1617734910475,"msg":"Starting App [tide-crud-users v0.4.0]:"}
{"level":30,"time":1617734910478,"msg":"Server listening on"}

Show endpoints

$ ./tide-crud-users -e
  Internal Endpoints:
    /                - index_page
    /maintenance     - maintenance
    /auth            - check_auth
    /api/add_user - AddUser
    /api/delete_user - DeleteUser
    /api/export_users - ExportUsers
    /api/show_user - ShowUser
    /api/show_users - ShowUsers
    /api/update_user - UpdateUser

Dependencies Status