
A fully customizable and module for easy interactive discord embeds with dynamic pages!

This module is used to make hassle-free embeds with different pages... This module is fully customizable and each property of each page can be changed! The description of the embed gets dynamically carried over to a different page if it exceed 2000 characters

Note: works only with discord.js 13

For discord.js 12 version, use easy-embed-pages@0.0.3


npm i easy-embed-pages


const EasyEmbedPages = require('easy-embed-pages');


Basic simple usage

Note: Content greater than 2000 characters gets transferred to the next embed page!

const embed = new EasyEmbedPages(message.channel, {
    // Here you can add anything **except embed fields** that can be added in a regular discord embed in json format
    color: '#ff00ff',
    title: "Simple Embed",
    description: "insert long text here"

embed.start(); // sends the embed in the specified channel and starts the interactive process

Using custom fields and other things for each page

Note: If you specify pages in pages which are more than the dynamic content pages, they will be added as extra pages!

const embed = new EasyEmbedPages(message.channel, {
    pages: [
            fields: [
                    name: "Custom field yay!",
                    value: "Yikes... I love this module!",
                    inline: false
            title: "This page has a custom title!",
            description: "And a custom description field too!"
    color: '#ff00ff',
    url: 'https://example.com',
    title: "Simple Embed",
    description: "insert long text here"


Using premade embeds

Note: You can use you premade Discord#MessageEmbed this way

const myEmbed1 = new Discord.MessageEmbed();
const myEmbed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed();

const embed = new EasyEmbedPages(message.channel, {
    pages: [


Advanced Usage

Full cranked up usage!

const EasyEmbedPages = require('easy-embed-pages');
const embed = new EasyEmbedPages(message.channel, {
    //embed fields
    pages: [
            title: "Hello World!",
            color: "#00ffff",
            author: {
                name: "Jaguar"
            fields: [
                    name: "My field",
                    value: "My value",
                    inline: true
            thumbnail: "https://example.com/my_other_image.png"
    color: 'RANDOM', // here you can fill any Discord Color, filling with RANDOM will give each page a random color
    url: "https://example.com",
    title: "This is a test embed",
    author: {
        name: "Jaguar"
    footer: {
        text: "Insert Footer Text Here"
    description: "Insert long text here",
    image: "https://example.com/your_large_image.png",
    thumbnail: "https://example.com/your_small_thumbnail.png",
(embed) => {
    // this function will codeblock the whole description!
    if(embed.description) embed.setDescription(`\`\`\`\n${embed.description}\n\`\`\``)

    channel: message.channel, // the channel in which you want to send the embed, optional
    user: message.author    // use this if you only allow a specific person to control the reactions, optional

Example Eval Command!

const EasyEmbedPages = require('easy-embed-pages');

async function run(client, message, args) {
    const clean = text => ((typeof text === "string") ? text.replace(/`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode(8203)).replace(/@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode(8203)) : text);

    let output;
    let status = true;
    try {
        let evaled = eval(args.join(' '));
        if (evaled instanceof Promise) evaled = await evaled;
        else if (typeof evaled !== "string") evaled = require("util").inspect(evaled);

        output = clean(evaled).replace(new RegExp(client.token, 'g'), '[TOKEN REMOVED]');
    } catch (err) {
        status = false;
        output = err.toString();

    const embed = new EasyEmbedPages(
            color: status ? 'GREEN' : 'RED',
            title: "Eval response",
            description: output,
            pageGen: (embed) => {
                if(embed.description) embed.setDescription(`\`\`\`xl\n${embed.description}\n\`\`\``)
    embed.start({ user: message.author });