
A very simple Java wrapper around the Amazon S3 library. One-line-of-code uploading of files to Amazon S3. Use Spring or don't. Zero configuration. Requires Maven for building. Easy to integrate into any Java project.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION

What is this?

This is a very simple wrapper around the Amazon S3 library. With this code you may:

  • Easily upload/delete files to/from Amazon S3 with two lines of code... and one of those two lines is the import-package line at the top of your .java file :-)
  • Make use of Spring as the library is Spring-enabled - but it's not a must. You're free to use the direct uploader OR the Spring service, whatever you prefer.
  • You can now (version 1.1) specify the content type of the uploaded file

Directly uploading a file

Here's how to upload a file without using Spring (if you're making use of the Apache commons-io library):

import de.jaide.s3.JaideS3Uploader;
new JaideS3Uploader("MyS3AccessKey", "MyS3SecretKey", "my-s3-bucket-name").upload("my-file-path", "my-filename.ext",
  new ByteArrayInputStream(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File("/some/path/my-filename.ext"))), JaideS3Uploader.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM);

Uploading a file via Spring

  • Copy and save the "aws-s3.properties.template" as "aws-s3.properties".
  • In that file enter your Amazon S3 access credentials.
  • Place that file somewhere in the classpath or just put it where the .template-file is.

Here's how to upload a file using Spring (if you're making use of the Apache commons-io library):

import de.jaide.s3.JaideS3Uploader;
JaideS3SpringService.getJaideS3Uploader().upload("my-file-path", "my-filename.ext",
  new ByteArrayInputStream(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File("/some/path/my-filename.ext"))), JaideS3Uploader.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM));

Integrating into your code

  • You will need Java 6 and Maven 3 to build the code
  • Choose one of the above two methods to use this library
  • Build your code with Maven
  • You will see that two tests fail - they fail because you didn't provide your S3 access credentials
  • Put them where the two tests, at the top of the files, tell you to put them
  • Build again, this time things should be fine
  • Put the resulting .jar file into your application's library folder