This git contains all the code and informations needed to reproduce the resuts of the following paper:
The stimuli (extracted wav files and source files) for the discrimination task are available under the name WorldVowels on the Perceptimatic dataset website, you can download them here : Be careful, the extracted and source wav files are sampled at 16000Hz. The discrimination task results are also available on the website, but we need a specific format of them for our code to work, so they are available in the file data/discrimination_results.csv
The stimuli used for the assimilation task are available in the same folder than the discrimination task stimuli. The participants results are available in data/assimilation_results.csv
Once you have the humans' assimilation file and the discrimination file, you can start creating a predictor file, by first computing the overlap score:
python $discrimination_file $assimilation_file $predictor_file
To compute mfccs and save their representations, we use the source files of the World Vowels dataset. You can use the following command line:
python $folder_wav $folder_out mfccs
We followed the instructions of and we use their French and English models to transform the source wavs of the WorldVowels dataset.
Clone and install fairseq:
Download the checkpoints of the universal model and the fine-tuned models from the voxpopuli github:
The universal model is the 'all 23 languages' 10k base model, and the fine tuned models are the English and French models fine tuned (ASR) models (from Base 10k).
Put the files in the extract_from_wav2vec directory in the fairseq git directory.
Modify the script
following the instructions in the comments.
Simply do (in the fairseq directory):
To compute delta values, you need to use the script
python $model $layer $distance $folder_out
Where $model
is either mfccs, dpgmm_english, dpgmm_french, wav2vec_10k, wav2vec_10k_en, wav2vec_10k_fr. $layer
is only applicable for wav2vec models, in our paper we used transf4. $distance
is either kl (for dpgmm models) or cosine. $folder_out
is where the file with delta values will be saved.
Once the delta values for all the models are computed, you can add them to the general predictor file created above, by doing:
python $folder_results $file_in $file_out
Where folder_results
is the folder where all the delta values files are, $file_in
is the predictor file created above, and $file_out
is the final predictor file.
A file with all predictor values is already available in the git (data/predictor_file_complete.csv
), otherwise you can create it by using the previous steps.
python $predictor_file $out_file $french $english
With $french
equals to True if you want to test the predictors on the French participant results, and same for $english
for English participants
will contain the log likelihood values obtained from the predictors that are in the predictor file, one column per predictor.
python $predictor_file $out_file $nb_it $french $english
Same than for the simple probit model, but with nb_it
the number of iteration of bootstrapping you want to do.
You need to precise in the file how many cpu are available for the computation.
python $predictor_file $outfile
Where $outfile
will contain the spearman correlation obtained by all the predictor values in predictr_file
python $predictor_file $nb_it $outfile
Same than for the simple spearman correlation but using bootstraping, you need to precise the number of iteration needed by choosing $nb_it
You need to precise in the file how many cpu are available for the computation.
python $predictor_file $english_value $french_value $to_put_to_neg
to_put_to_neg needs to be True for the overlap score.
python $predictor_file
This only works with a complete file of predictors (containing the overlap, wav2vec delta values and dpgmm delta values)