
This repo is still under construction, please contact us if you have any question (

To use this repo, you need to :

  • change the paths in (in particular the path to the dataset )
  • transform the wavfile you want to use: first convert them to 16000hz and then use models to extract their representation
  • If you are using a wav2vec model, copy what is done for wav2vec_english. The representation of wav2vec needs to be in one folder, with one subfolder per layer with the following names: conv4, conv5, conv6, transf0, transf1 etc... Follow the instructions fowav2vec extraction in : to have the right format f representation.

Contact us if you want to have access to the models we trained (

Launching experiments

On one participant

to launch the regression process on the English participant sub-EN073, do:

python sub-EN073 folder_results wav2vec_english EN

On multiple participants enables you to create sbatch file for all participants in a language group

Noise ceiling

The code to compute the noise ceiling is available in

Organization call of the main function # no need to change this (except with the language option) regression functions # you will probably have to change the get_feat_fmri function (for the fmri part) get features # you will have to change some details (line 19 to 24) to adapt to a new dataset get fmri data # It is mainly this file that you need to change to adapt this code to a new dataset regressor definition # no need to change this