
This UI loads a .png image and looks for the meta data associated with stable diffusion. It will display the data in usable text fields and allow you to save it to your styles.csv in AUTO1111

Primary LanguagePython

Prompt Reveal

Prompt Reveal is a user interface created with Python, tkinter & PILLOW that allows you to manage your AUTO1111 / Vlad styles.csv file, making it easier to work with AI-generated prompts. It is wrapped by pyinstaller to create a single file for ease of use.


View a prompt from an image

alt text

Check if there is prompt meta-data on an image

Save, load and delete prompts from style.csv

alt text

Save a prompt by adding a name in the text field next to the "Save Prompt" button
Add and delete styles from your styles.csv file

Installation and Usage

Package created using pyinstaller
  1. Choose zip file, exe or main.py A guide and instructions will be coming soon for running the program in your own python enviroment.

  2. Run the .exe in your AUTO1111 root folder, where the styles.csv file is located. If you don't have a styles.csv file in the same directory as the Prompt Reveal executable, the program will create a new one for you when you run it for the first time.

  3. Right click the .exe and send to desktop as a shortcut for easy access


We hope that you find Prompt Reveal helpful in managing your styles.csv file. If you have any feedback or suggestions for how we can improve the program, please don't hesitate to let us know!