
Questionnaire Presenter - A standalone program to collect questionnaire data made with Unity3D

Primary LanguageC#

Questionnaire Presenter - A standalone program to collect questionnaire data made with Unity3D


Questionnaire Presenter is a free-standing application built with Unity3D (version 2021.3.1f1c1) and the Unity Experiment Framework that allows you to quickly & easily run questionnaires on a computer. The user does not need to have any programming experience or even have Unity3D install on the target machine. The questionnaire is constructed by providing a simple .txt file with tab-separated values, which can be created with a spreadsheet program like Excel or LibreOffice. The questionnaire then presents each question as a single item on a screen. As of now, multi-item presentations are not supported (If that is what you need, please check out VRQuestionnaireToolkit). Questionnaire Presenter was designed to be as lightweight and as simple as possible so I decided to restrict it to one question per page.

Illustration how the application looks like:



General introduction

As explained above, you simply need to copy your .txt file with tab-separate values into the StreamingAssets folder of the program (the exactly depends on whether you use the Window or the Mac version of Questionnaire Presenter). The .txt must contains the following columns (please note that the names of the columns need to match exactly including being case-sensitive).

  • trialType
  • question
  • options
  • minimumDuration

Optional columns but relevant for UXF (see UXF’s website for more details), which will determine the order in which the questions are presented:

  • trial_num
  • block_num

Question types


  • trialType = message
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = NA
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: NA


  • trialType = slider
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Left and right anchors are provided with a | in the middle. For example: “agree|disagree”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: Value between 0 & 1.


  • trialType = slider
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Dropdown options are provided with a | between each item (unlimited number). For example: “yes|no|maybe”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: String of the chosen menu item.


  • trialType = textShort
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Place holder text. For example: “Enter your text here…”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: String of typed response.


  • trialType = textLong
  • question = String of your question.\n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Place holder text. For example: “Enter your text here…”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: String of typed response.


  • trialType = numberInteger
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Place holder text. For example: “Enter the number here…”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: The integer that was typed in.


  • trialType = numberDecimal
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Place holder text. For example: “Enter the number here…”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: The decimal number that was typed in.


  • trialType = radio
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Radio options are provided with a | between each item (limit is 7 options, minimum is 3). For example: “agree||disagree”. \n can be used for these.
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: The ordinal number (from left to right) of the chosen option.


  • trialType = checkmark
  • question = String of your question. \n Can be used a line break character.
  • options = Checkmark options are provided with a | between each item (limit is 9 options). For example: “windows|mac|unix/linux”
  • minimumDuration = Minimum duration in seconds you want your participants to spend on this item before they can continue. Default is always zero seconds.

Return: True & False separated by | matching with the options.

Example input files

Example input files can be found in the example folder.

Example QP_input.txt file

trial_num block_num trialType question options minimumDuration
1 1 message Welcome to this questionnaire NA 3
2 2 slider Do you like this program? yes|no 3
3 2 textLong Tell me your life story. Type life story here… 3
4 3 dropdown Which platform did you use? Windows|Mac 3

Further input through session .json file

The most important input comes in form of the trial_specification_name, which specifies the .txt file that is used to construct the questionnaire. targetFrameRate allows you to set a maximal number to cap the frames per second, which might be helpful to reduce between device variability if so desired. alignment allows you to change the text alignment with text anchors. (see here for more information). confirmButtonLabel is used to change the label of the confirmation button.

The other input are really only relevant if HTTPPost (see here for an explanation) is used to collect data remotely. If you want to do that, you can specify the relevant server by setting url, username & password. If the application is closed to early, it is possible that the data is not completely send to the server which can lead to data loss. Therefore, if HTTPPost is used, a end screen counting down from endCountDown along with the message specified in endMessage is presented, which will wait with closing the application until the time is over. It is probably advisable to test how much time you need so that your data is actually saved. Note the name of this file must start with QP_ in order to be recognised by UXF.

  "trial_specification_name": "QP_input.txt",
  "targetFrameRate": 60,
  "alignment": "LowerCenter", 
  "confirmButtonLabel": "Confirm",
  "endCountDown" : 60,
  "endMessage": "Thank you for completing the task.\n\nPlease wait briefly before you close the application.\n\nSeconds remaining: ",
  "useHTTPPost": false,
  "url": "",
  "username": "susan",
  "password": "hello"

Customisation of the UXF Startup panel using a .json file

The UXF Startup panel can be customised by changing values in the .json file called startupText.json, which is also found the StreamingAssets folder and looks like this:

    "chromeBar": "Questionnaire Presenter (version 0.1)",
    "instructionsPanelContent1": "Welcome to this part of this study",
    "instructionsPanelContent2": "You can add instructions here.",
    "expSettingsprofile": "Experiment settings profile",
    "localPathElement": "Local data save directory",
    "localPathElement_placeHolder": "Press browse button to select...",
    "participantID": "Participant ID",
    "participantID_placeholder": "Enter text...",
    "sessionNumber": "Session number",
    "termsAndConditions": "Please tick if you understand the instructions and agree for your data to be collected and used for research purposes.<color=red>*</color>",
    "beginButton": "Begin session"

All that needs to be done is to edit the fields in this file to display your information instead of the standard text.

Data saved

Main results

Here is a quick guide what data is saved by Questionnaire Presenter. For more information please also check Unity Experiment Framework] but the main result can be found in trail_results.csv. Here is the data that was generated in the video shown above;

# Libraries

# Load main results
data <- read.csv("QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trial_results.csv", header = TRUE)

# Display as table 
experiment ppid session_num trial_num block_num trial_num_in_block start_time end_time trialType question options minimumDuration value controller_mouse_screen_location_0
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 1 1 1 10.53183 17.72592 message This is message with a comma_ which is something you can use in the question. NA 2 QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T001.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 2 1 2 17.72592 23.28396 slider Is this useful? yes|no 2 0.104167 QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T002.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 3 1 3 23.28396 29.31527 dropdown Select your option: this|no this|or this? 2 no this QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T003.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 4 1 4 29.31527 40.41155 textShort Please type your response to this question: Type here… 2 Here is my response! QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T004.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 5 1 5 40.41155 58.45943 textLong Please type your response to this question but with more space: Type here… 2 Here! QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T005.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 6 1 6 58.45943 63.27694 numberInteger Give me an integer number Type here… 2 42 QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T006.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 7 1 7 63.27694 69.70856 numberDecimal Give me an floating point number Type here… 2 0.37828 QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T007.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 8 1 8 69.70856 75.54406 radio You can only select on option: this|no this|or this?|I don’t this 2 4 QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T008.csv
QP_my_experiment subject1 1 9 1 9 75.54406 82.25333 checkmark Now_ you’re allowed to select multiple options. Option 1|Option 2|Option 3|Option 4|Option 5|Option 6|Option 7|Option 8|Option 9 2 False|True|False|True|False|True|False|True|False QP_my_experiment/subject1/S001/trackers/controller_mouse_screen_T009.csv

Here is what the most important columns that are unique to this application mean:

  • ppid = The participant ID.
  • trailType = Question type used in this trial.
  • question = The question that was used in this trial.
  • value = The response given by the participant. Please look above for the different value types.

Note due to UXF’s API “,” in responses & input are converted into “_”.

For the most part, the way to analyse the response should be fairly obvious. The only tricky bit might be to analyse radio & checkmark questions. Here is short a demonstration to do this:

# How to analyse the response to a radio question
opt1  <- data[data$trialType == "radio", 'options'] # Get the options
# Split the string by | and then use value as the index for opt1
resp1 <- strsplit(opt1, "\\|")[[1]][as.numeric(data[data$trialType == "radio", 'value'])] 

# How to analyse the response to a checkmark question
opt2  <- data[data$trialType == "checkmark", 'options'] # Get the options
opt2  <- strsplit(opt2, "\\|")[[1]] # Split the options into separate strings
# Do the same for the response
resp2 <- data[data$trialType == "checkmark", 'value'] # Get the response
resp2 <- strsplit(resp2, "\\|")[[1]] # Split the options into separate strings
resp2 <- ifelse(resp2 == "True", TRUE, FALSE)
# Now use this a boolean index and paste together
resp2 <- paste(opt2[resp2], collapse = ", ")

In the example data (see video), the participants responded with I don’t this in the radio question and with Option 2, Option 4, Option 6, Option 8 in the checkmark question.


In the log you find the time stamps for every button press. Furthermore, it provides information but which platform is used (Windows/Mac), at which system time the experiment started and which version was used. Here is an example:

  • 10.53183,Log,Session start time 10/10/2022 4:49:43 PM,
  • 10.53183,Log,Application Version : 1.0.0,
  • 10.53183,Log,Platform used is UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN,


Additionally, UXF mouse tracker is enabled that tracks the mouse movement during te trials. This data can be analysed like this:

# Load libraries for custom_rbinder_addIndexColumn & plotting
library(assortedRFunctions) # Install with devtools::install_github("JAQuent/assortedRFunctions", upgrade = "never")

# Task folder
taskFolder <- "QP_my_experiment/"
subjID     <- "subject1"

# Not this code will only work correctly if the folder only contains position tracker
# Get all files
path2tracker <- paste0(taskFolder, subjID, '/S001/trackers/') 
allTrackers  <- paste0(path2tracker, list.files(path2tracker))
# Get list of DFs
tempTracker <- lapply(allTrackers, read.csv)
# Add index as subject and then bind together
questions_mouseTracker <- custom_rbinder_addIndexColumn(tempTracker, "trial")

# Add resolution to tracker data
questions_mouseTracker$width      <- 1920 
questions_mouseTracker$height     <- 1080 
questions_mouseTracker$norm_pix_x <- questions_mouseTracker$pix_x/questions_mouseTracker$width
questions_mouseTracker$norm_pix_y <- questions_mouseTracker$pix_y/questions_mouseTracker$height

# Plot
ggplot(questions_mouseTracker,aes(norm_pix_x, norm_pix_y)) + 
  geom_bin2d() +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(rainbow(10))) +
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), expand = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Mouse position as heat map during the trials", y = "y position", x = "x position")

Ideas for the future

  • A way to introduce a participant check list.
  • A way to further customise the visual appearance (e.g. change background on trials to highlight different questionnaires),
  • Currently, any extra columns in the input .csv file are not copied to the data making adding supplementary information to the data a bit more cumbersome. Even though it would be a useful feature because one could question IDs and many other things, the issue is the fact that QP allows “,” to be used in the strings for the questions etc. interferes with the trial_results.csv. For now, I therefore simply disabled this function and suggest to add this information at a later stage.
  • Add resolution to the log.

Feedback or help is always welcome!

How to cite

Quent, J. A. (2022). Questionnaire Presenter - A standalone program to collect questionnaire data made with Unity3D (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7180407