
Primary LanguageShell

Bootstrap macOS

A bundle of all my dotfiles as well as a handful of scripts to help set up macOS from scratch.

Before doing anything, make sure you know what are you doing! Settings applied by this repository are very personal, and definitely don't suite everyone's needs. I suggest you to create your own set of dotfiles based on this repo.


  • Make sure the system is updated before proceeding

  • Terminal needs full disk access

Installation Steps

  1. Run this the script
bash <(curl -Lks https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JARMourato/dotfiles/main/bootstrap.sh)
  1. Reboot

  2. Done 🙃

Special thanks to…

What dotfiles is Felix using - https://github.com/KrauseFx/dotfiles - via @KrauseFx

What Terminal is Felix using - https://github.com/KrauseFx/what-terminal-is-felix-using - via @KrauseFx

Change macOS User Preferences via Command Line - https://pawelgrzybek.com/change-macos-user-preferences-via-command-line/ - via @pawelgrzybek

Mathias’s dotfiles - https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles - via @mathias

Roger’s dotfiles - https://github.com/rogerluan/dotfiles - via @rogerluan_

Moving to zsh, part 2: Configuration Files - https://scriptingosx.com/2019/06/moving-to-zsh-part-2-configuration-files/ - via @scriptingosx

Reading defaults - https://superuser.com/questions/455755/how-to-explore-more-defaults-write-tweaks-on-os-x