
Multiplayer bot programming game arena based on Scala and Akka actors

MIT LicenseMIT


Scalatrix is our take on multiplayer, eductional, bot programming game for developers learning Scala language and Akka actors. We are borrowing heavily and shamelessly from Scalatron project orphaned few years ago by its authors.

Having organized two hackathons with Scalatron we came into conclusion that we really need something new. The rules of the game have to be changeable and the developers have to learn not only Scala, but also how to build distributed, concurrent and scalable applications for the web. So our idea is to create distributed game arena where you can host games and organize contests for the bots to compete. The game engine and the bots will run on different machines and the game will be played in real time.

We will be creating this project in a series of hackathons, so stay tuned. See you at hackathon.