
Application made with Vue 3 using Quasar Framework that contains responsive web interface, PWA and exported in APK using Apache Cordova and Capacitor. The application is connected to an API made in Laravel. https://laravel-api-server.up.railway.app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Application made with Vue 3 using Quasar Framework that contains responsive web interface, PWA and exported in APK using Apache Cordova and capacitor. The application is connected to an API made in Laravel.https://laravel-api-server.up.railway.app

Application made with Vue 3 consists of the creation of a CRUD and authentication system that come from a games API and the development of styles using Quasar Framework. The application made with Vue 3 contains the following functionalities:

  • I use the Vue3 version with the composition API.
  • Style development with Quasar Framework.
  • VUEX.
  • AXIOS.
  • Keep-alive.
  • Vue-router.
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps).
  • SPA (Single Page Application).
  • Application exported in APK using Apache Cordova.
  • Application exported in APK using Capacitor.
  • Electron.
  • The project contains the files to implement it in Docker.
  • Vue-validate.
  • Helpers.
  • Watchers.
  • Props.
  • Slots.
  • Emits.
  • Websockets with Pusher.
  • End to end tests with CYPRESS.
  • Unit tests with JEST.
  • The application is connected to a games API made in Laravel: https://github.com/JAVI-CC/Laravel-API-Server


User: admin@email.com
Password: 12345678

Start the app in the development mode

$ yarn && quasar dev -m pwa

Start the app in the production mode

$ yarn && quasar build -m pwa

Export the app in APK apache cordova in the development mode

$ yarn && quasar dev -m cordova -T android

Export the app in APK apache cordova in the production mode

$ yarn && quasar build -m cordova -T android

Export the app in APK capactior in the production mode

$ yarn && quasar build -m capacitor -T android -d

Start the app in the electron mode

$ yarn && quasar dev -m electron

Start the websockets with Pusher in the development mode (Optional)

1. In your Pusher account create a channel called: juegos-api
2. Enter the file: development.env
3. fill in the following credentials:

PUSHER_APP_KEY={App Keys in the channel juegos-api key}
PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER={App Keys in the channel juegos-api cluster}

Start the websockets with Pusher in the production mode (Optional)

1. In your Pusher account create a channel called: juegos-api
2. Enter the file: production.env
3. fill in the following credentials:

PUSHER_APP_KEY={App Keys in the channel juegos-api key}
PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER={App Keys in the channel juegos-api cluster}

Start Jest unit tests

$ yarn && [ yarn test:unit || quasar test --unit jest ]

Start Cypress end to end tests

$ yarn && yarn cypress:open

Show get all registries API SERVER:

Login form:

Create or update registrer sending it to the API SERVER:

Application web responsive:

Deploy to Docker 🐳


$ git clone https://github.com/JAVI-CC/VUE3-API-client.git
$ cd VUE3-API-client
$ docker-compose up -d --build

Once you have the containers deployed, you can access the APP at http://localhost:8080