Freelance Dev & OpenSrc Contributor. Surprisingly OpenSrc can pay. Favorite stacks Node/ESM/TS, JS/CSS/HTML, I also write VSCode Extensions & TextMate Grammars.
Sonoma-MarinSan Francisco Bay Area
Pinned Repositories
One of the things that has been developed for VSCode, that there's a big gap for, is a customizable theme. Somthing inbetween a fully custom configured environment (which is basicly the development of your own theme), and using somone elses theme as they have built it. This repositories project delivers a VSC theme that takes advantage of the VSCode extensable API, and impliments into it, the Native JSON Parsing features included in JavaScript. The result is a theme that you cust customize, and make look good, with just a couple a clicks.
Instantiate a color, then access it in RGB, Hex, or HSV format. Perfect for conversions &/or working in a multi-format env.
C++ Fractions Class. Library that adds support for the cs_fraction namespace, which impliments a Fractions class. The fractions class is adds a "standard-feeling" fraction class that adds fraction support to the programs inwhich it is implimented. The Fraction class impliments overloaded operator for any arithmatic that needs to be preformed on fractions, Overloaded unary increment/decrement (post & pre) operators, ifstream exstersion operator, istream insertion operator, comparison operators, assignment operators, single parameter integer conversion constructor & a copy constructor.
Sorts colors stored as values in K/V json pairs. Useful for platforms that are styled using JSON, or themes that use a JSON K/V format (VS Code for example).
Theme for VS Code
My Craft is a website that allows people to build a profile that relates to thier hobbies, trades, artwork, &/or craft.
A compolation of themes created by freelance software engineer, applications developer, and content creation artist, JAYD3V.
Convert a TTF font to a WOFF font.
JAYD3V's Repositories
C++ Fractions Class. Library that adds support for the cs_fraction namespace, which impliments a Fractions class. The fractions class is adds a "standard-feeling" fraction class that adds fraction support to the programs inwhich it is implimented. The Fraction class impliments overloaded operator for any arithmatic that needs to be preformed on fractions, Overloaded unary increment/decrement (post & pre) operators, ifstream exstersion operator, istream insertion operator, comparison operators, assignment operators, single parameter integer conversion constructor & a copy constructor.
One of the things that has been developed for VSCode, that there's a big gap for, is a customizable theme. Somthing inbetween a fully custom configured environment (which is basicly the development of your own theme), and using somone elses theme as they have built it. This repositories project delivers a VSC theme that takes advantage of the VSCode extensable API, and impliments into it, the Native JSON Parsing features included in JavaScript. The result is a theme that you cust customize, and make look good, with just a couple a clicks.
Instantiate a color, then access it in RGB, Hex, or HSV format. Perfect for conversions &/or working in a multi-format env.
Sorts colors stored as values in K/V json pairs. Useful for platforms that are styled using JSON, or themes that use a JSON K/V format (VS Code for example).
Theme for VS Code
My Craft is a website that allows people to build a profile that relates to thier hobbies, trades, artwork, &/or craft.
A compolation of themes created by freelance software engineer, applications developer, and content creation artist, JAYD3V.
Convert a TTF font to a WOFF font.