pip install -U scikit-learn
pip install pyyaml
pip install requests
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install pandas
pip install pyenchant
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
- Training and testing dataset are based on TV series "Prison Break" season 1 - 5
- We scrap the reviews under each episodes from season 1 - 5
- First. we classify the reviews into positive and negative reviews
- Second. we parse them in different yaml files
- Third. we pick odd number of reviews in different yaml files as trainning set and even number of reviews as testing set
- Original stopword.txt from moodle
- All the numbers with low probility considerd as noise
- None english word
- Random typing
- Optimal task 1.3 (3 for loop overlap)
- Create dictionary for check prob value
- Or yaml file to store prob value with yaml search function
- complete task 2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3 one of them
- prepare README
- maybe try task 2.1 if have time
- prepare demo procedure (jupyter notebook)
- Try everything before submit