
Interact with Local and Comercial LLMs via Streamlit UI

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Use many large language models: OpenAI / Anthropic / Open / Local LLM's with one Streamlit Web App.

Code License GH Actions Workflow Mantained Python Version


  • LLM Support
    • Ollama
    • OpenAI - GPT 3.5 / GPT4 / GPT4o / GPT4o-mini
    • Anthropic - Claude 3 (Opus / Sonnet) / Claude 3.5
    • Groq API

Getting Started

Clone and Run 👇  

Try the Project quickly with Python Venv's:

git clone https://github.com/JAlcocerT/Streamlit-MultiChat
python -m venv multichat #create the venv

multichat\Scripts\activate #activate venv (windows)
source multichat/bin/activate #(linux)
pip install -r requirements.txt #all at once
streamlit run Z_multichat.py
  • Make sure to have Ollama ready and running your desired model!
  • Prepare the API Keys in any of:
    • .streamlit/secrets.toml
    • As Environment Variables
      • Linux - export OPENAI_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"
      • In the Docker-Compose
    • Through the Streamlit UI

Chat with Several Models with Streamlit

docker pull ghcr.io/jalcocert/streamlit-multichat:latest

Thanks to ❤️

Projects I got inspiration from / consolidated in this App were tested here: ./Z_Tests

Check the Projects 👈