
Spacemacs age tool box

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0

Build Status codecov.io

Spacemacs tools

Available at DockerHub as jare/spacetools:latest, jare/spacetools:noemacs

Spacemacs tools

usage: run ACTION [ARGS]...

  validoc ROOT [INPUTS]... Validate Spacemacs documentation files.
                           If only the first argument is supplied
                           the default list of documentation files
                           will be used.
  docfmt  ROOT [INPUTS]... Format Spacemacs documentation files.
                           If only the first argument is supplied
                           the default list of documentation files
                           will be used.

Common arguments:
  ROOT   root directory of Spacemacs documentation. Example: "~/.emacs.d/".
  INPUTS are processed .org files or directories containing them.

Usage example:

Format all files (add --user <UID>:<GID> to keep ownership):

docker run --rm -v <docs_dir>:/tmp/docs/ jare/spacetools docfmt /tmp/docs/


docker run --rm -v <docs_dir>:/tmp/docs/ jare/spacetools validoc /tmp/docs/

To run with custom configuration file add:

-v <config_path>:/opt/spacetools/spacedoc-cfg.edn

Spacemacs uses this config file