
NgxTimeline Angular Library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NgxTimeline check-code-coverage

The main goal of this angular library is to give you the possibility to integrate a timeline in your app.
Version 1.2.0 is compatible with angular 13.
Go here and discover all possible configurations for the timeline


Fig.1 - Preview of Timeline example configuration page


Running the following command to install the library

npm install @frxjs/ngx-timeline

Examples of Usage

After installing the library and including NgxTimelineModule in your imports module you could add one of following examples to your template in order to display your timeline

<ngx-timeline [events]="events"></ngx-timeline>
<ngx-timeline [events]="events" [langCode]="it"></ngx-timeline>
<ngx-timeline [events]="events" [langCode]="it" [enableAnimation]="false"></ngx-timeline>



Input name Explanation Mandatory Type/Supported Values Default value
events list of events to be displayed yes NgxTimelineEvent no default
langCode language code use to format dates no
  • 'en'
  • 'it'
  • 'fr'
  • 'de'
  • 'es'
  • 'sl'
  • 'tr'
  • 'pt'
enableAnimation Boolean used to enable or disable the animations no boolean true
reverseOrder Boolean used to reverse sort order (default older first) no boolean false
groupEvent Logic to be applied in order to group events no enum NgxTimelineEventGroup NgxTimelineEventGroup.MONTH_YEAR
changeSideInGroup Logic to be applied in order to put evetns on LEFT or RIGHT no enum NgxTimelineEventChangeSideInGroup NgxTimelineEventChangeSideInGroup.ON_DIFFERENT_DAY
periodCustomTemplate Custom Template displayed before a group of events no TemplateRef no default
eventCustomTemplate Custom Template displayed to show a single event no TemplateRef no default
centerIconCustomTemplate Custom Template displayed to show an separator icon no TemplateRef no default
dateInstantCustomTemplate Custom Template displayed to show the side date no TemplateRef no default
innerEventCustomTemplate Custom Template displayed to show the inner event no TemplateRef no default


Output name Explanation Mandatory Type/Supported Values Default value
clickEmitter Output click event emitter no BehaviorSubject no default

Types and Enums

interface NgxTimelineEvent {
  timestamp?: Date;
  title?: string;
  description?: string;
  id?: any;
  itemPosition?: NgxTimelineItemPosition;
enum NgxTimelineEventGroup {
  YEAR = 'YEAR',
enum NgxTimelineEventChangeSideInGroup {
  ALL = 'ALL',

Examples with contexts of custom templates

  <ng-template #periodCustomTemplate let-period=period let-index=index let-event=event>
    <div [ngClass]="{'transparent first-line': !index}" class="line"></div>
    <div class="period-container">
        {{index}} - {{period | json  }}
    <div class="line"></div>
  <ng-template #centerIconCustomTemplate let-index=index let-event=event>
    <div class="icon-container">
      <img src="assets/image.png"/>
  <ng-template #innerEventCustomTemplate let-event=event>
    <div class="event" (click)="handleClick(event)">
      {{event | json}}
  <ng-template #eventCustomTemplate let-event=event let-colSidePosition=colSidePosition>
    <div class="event" (click)="handleClick(event)">
      {{event | json}}
  <ng-template #dateInstantCustomTemplate let-item=item>
      {{item | json}}

How to contribute

First of all, in order to track everything, open an issue describing the problem or a missing functionality you would like to add to the lib.

To start the contribution:

  • npm run watch-lib (you are builduing the lib with --watch options)
  • npm run start-dev (you are linking the lib and starting the demo app )

Every time you will change the code in your lib, any update will trigger the re-load of the app. When your code will be ready, create a Pull Request and put the link in a comment under the issue you opened before. Now is time to enjoy and start to code.

Thanks in advance for your contribution

How to deploy new version (for mantainers only)

After testing the fix or the new feature with 100% test coverage:

  • npm run lint:fix
  • npm run prepare-github-pages
  • npm run new-version patch
  • git push --tags
  • git push
  • npm run publish