Simple Nixie Tubes Clock Based on RaspberryPi, adapter and NCS314 shield for Arduino (by GRA and AFCH)
A simple program that show the current system time at the Nixie tubes.
Requared hardware:
- Raspberry Pi any models with 40-pin GPIO connector (Except A and B models).
- Arduino to Raspberry Pi adapter (by GRA & AFCH):
- Arduino Nixie Clock Shield NCS314 (v1.2, v2.x):
How to use binary:
Download and unzip.
Set execute permission "Anyone" to "DisplayNixie" file:
Enable SPI module in the "Raspberry Pi Configuration": 3.1) or CLI way "sudo raspi-config":
Run the program "sudo /home/pi/Downloads/NixieClockRaspberryPi-master/Bin/DisplayNixie clock" :
Step-by-Step video:
Сommand line options:
123456 - any 6 digits. Shield will display these numbers.
now - Shield will display current time at the time the command is executed.
clock - the program will loop and will update every second of the current time on the tubes.
To compile the source:
Add folder "DisplayNixie" into the workspace of Eclipse: "File"->"Import", "Genral"->"Existing Project into Workspce". p.s. The project uses the "wiringPi" library:
Autorun the program at startup:
Edit /home/pi/.bashrc file - add string like this: sudo "/home/pi/Documents/Eclipse Projects/DisplayNixie/Debug/DisplayNixie" clock