contains commandline scripts for diffraction data analysis tasks.
This package can be viewed as a "booster rocket" for reciprocalspaceship
The fastest way to install rs-booster
is using pip:
pip install rs-booster
If you are interested in getting access to new features that haven't yet made it into a release, you can install rs-booster
from source:
git clone
cd rs-booster
python -m pip install -e .
is designed primarily as a command line interface.
Applications from this package are prefixed with rs.
Users can list available commands by typing rs.
and double-pressing the TAB
Each subprogram is documented using the argparse library.
To get usage info for a subprogram, use the -h
or --help
For instance,
$ rs.find_peaks -h
will print the following
usage: rs.find_peaks [-h] -f STRUCTURE_FACTOR_KEY -p PHASE_KEY [-o CSV_OUT] [-z SIGMA_CUTOFF] [-w WEIGHT_KEY] [--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE] [--min-volume MIN_VOLUME]
[--min-score MIN_SCORE] [--min-peak MIN_PEAK] [-d DISTANCE_CUTOFF] [--use-long-names]
mtz_file pdb_file
Search an electron density map for peaks in the vicinity of a structure.
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
column label of the structure factor you want to use.
-p PHASE_KEY, --phase-key PHASE_KEY
column label of the phase you want to use.
-o CSV_OUT, --csv-out CSV_OUT
output the report to a csv file
-z SIGMA_CUTOFF, --sigma-cutoff SIGMA_CUTOFF
the z-score cutoff for voxels to be included in the peak search. the default is 1.5
-w WEIGHT_KEY, --weight-key WEIGHT_KEY
column label of any weights you wish to apply to the map.
--sample-rate SAMPLE_RATE
change fft oversampling from the default (3).
--min-volume MIN_VOLUME
the minimum volume of peaks with default zero.
--min-score MIN_SCORE
the minimum score of peaks with default zero.
--min-peak MIN_PEAK the minimum peak value with default zero.
the distance cutoff of nearest neighbor search with default of 4 angstroms.
--use-long-names use more verbose column names in the peak report.