Hogwarts Again

Setup instructions:

  • Fork this repo
  • git clone <repo>
  • cd <repo_name>
  • bundle install
  • rails db:{create,migrate,seed}

When you run rspec, you should have 12 failing tests to start.

User Stories

User Story 1 of 4
As a visitor,
When I visit '/professors',
I see a list of professors with the following information:
(e.g. "Name: Minerva McGonagall, Age: 204, Specialty: Transfiguration")
User Story 2 of 4
As a visitor,
When I visit '/professors/:id'
I see a list of the names of the students the professors have.
(e.g. "Neville Longbottom"
     "Hermione Granger"
     "Luna Lovegood")
User Story 3 of 4
As a visitor,
When I visit '/students'
I see a list of students and the number of professors each student has.
(e.g. "Draco Malfoy: 5"
     "Nymphadora Tonks: 10")
User Story 4 of 4
As a visitor,
When I visit '/professors/:id'
I see the average age of all students for that professor.
(e.g. "Average Age: 14.5")


User Story Extension
On all index pages, all information is listed alphabetically.