Error with Helsearch
pwkooij opened this issue · 2 comments
pwkooij commented
I have changed the input file with 60bp per line, but I still get an error for Helsearch
Fatal error: Exit code 1 ()
[formatdb] ERROR: ./working/GCAGGT_CGA_ACCTGC_5/GCAGGT_CGA_ACCTGC_5.nhrOutput Blast-def-line-set.E.<title>
Invalid value(s) [9] in VisibleString [genome_P#12826044#12826244 ...]
[formatdb] ERROR: ./working/GCAGGT_CGA_ACCTGC_5/
JBerthelier commented
Dear pwkooij,
Sevreral users reported me errors with helsearch.
Because this tool seems to be very capricious and generate numerous false positifs,
it will be removed in the new Pirate version.
I advise you to not use it in your analyses.
If there is Helitron in the genome you are studying, they should be found by repeatitiveness-based approach tools such as TEdenovo or Repeatscout.
pwkooij commented
Hi Jeremy
Thanks for your response! I will skip the analysis.