Remote Channels via MPI RMA (One Sided Communication)

Use one-sided MPI communication (built on mpi4py) to coordinate task-based parallelism via channels. The RemoteChannel class is a message queue. "Producer" tasks can place messages into the queue using the (blocking) put -- or the (non-blocking) putf -- methods. "Consumer" task can take messages from the queue using the (blocking) take -- or the (non-blocking) takef -- methods.

This illustrates how you can use the RemoteChannel workflow to perform parallel work: RemoteChannel


pip install mpi-channels


  • Create a RemoteChannel and ensure it knows how many messages to expect:
from mpi_channels import RemoteChannel

# Make a Remote Channel (on MPI rank 0)
inputs = RemoteChannel(buff_size, message_size)

The claim method increments the expected number of messages (a counter used to determine of a take call should wait for more data).

  • Place data into the channel:
# Put data into channel by iterating over data source and putting each element
# into the channel one-by-one. `putf` is non-blocking.
if rank == 0:
    # data = data source
    for elt in data:

The data elt must be a python object with a len (hint: scalars should be wrapped in a single-item tuple: inputs.putf((val,)) -- the trailing comman ensures that len((val,)) = 1). The putf method returns a concurrent.Futures.Future object and does not block execution if the channel is full.

  • Take data from the channel:
# Take data from the channel
if rank > 0:
    # data_size is the expected data size -- make sure that it's big enough.
    for i in range(data_size):
        p = inputs.take()
        # if there is no more data, p = None
        if p is None:
        # Do some work with p

The take method blocks until data can be taken from the channel. If the channel is empty (that is more data have been taken from it than the sum of all inputs.claim(N) calls until that point), then take returns None. Note that p is an object with lenght. If p is a scalar with value val then p=[val].