My neovim / nvim config
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/nvim
# windows
git clone -c core.autocrlf=false %userprofile%\AppData\Local\nvim\
fast save<space>q
fast save + quit / close<space>n
toggle relative line numbers<ESC>
finish search highlighting<CTRL>n
next buffer<CTRL>p
previous buffer
Toggle nvim tree (sf = show files)<space>jf
Jumpt to file
Telescope help pages<space>ff
find files<space>fi
find inside the file<space>fg
find grep
winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget
winget install --id "Neovim.Neovim"
npm install -g neovim
winget install python3
winget install --id "BurntSushi.ripgrep.GNU"
winget install sharkdp.fd
winget install "Lua for Windows"
windet install DEVCOM.LuaJIT
git clone --depth 1 --single-branch
cd nerd-fonts
sudo apt install fd-find ripgrep
When using neovim within tmux the cursor will change when exiting tmux. To prevent that add this to your tmux.conf
# always use 256 colors
set -g default-terminal 'tmux-256color'
# this is for 256 color
set -ga terminal-overrides ',*:Tc'
# this is for the cursor shape. 3 = blinking underscore. 1 would be a solid block
set -ga terminal-overrides '*:Ss=\E[%p3%d q:Se=\E[ q'