
Most up-to-date Discord API wrapper for .NET.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

DisCatSharp GitHub Sponsors Discord Server


Discord Bot Library written in C# for .NET. https://discord.gg/discatsharp


NuGet Build status

Commit Activities

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Why DisCatSharp?

We want the lib always up-to-date. The newest features are important for us.

So the API version is always the newest, in the actual case v9.

Where is the Changelog?

On our guild! You find it in this channel.


You can install the library from following source:

The latest release is always available on NuGet.


The documentation for the latest stable version is available at docs.dcs.aitsys.dev/lts.

The documentation of the latest nightly versions is available at docs.dcs.aitsys.dev.

Bugs or Feature requests?

Either join our support guild and open a support ticket. Or write a mail to dcs@aitsys.dev.

All requests are tracked at aitsys.dev.



Snippets for Visual Studio

Latest NuGet Packages

Package NuGet
DisCatSharp NuGet
DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands NuGet
DisCatSharp.CommandsNext NuGet
DisCatSharp.Common NuGet
DisCatSharp.Configuration NuGet
DisCatSharp.Hosting NuGet
DisCatSharp.Hosting.DependencyInjection NuGet
DisCatSharp.Interactivity NuGet
DisCatSharp.Lavalink NuGet
DisCatSharp.VoiceNext NuGet
DisCatSharp.VoiceNext.Natives NuGet


To release a new version do the following steps:

  • Create locally a repo named release/VERSION (Don't forget to replace VERSION with the target version number)
  • Replace version number with the correct version in appveyor.yml#L78 with the new release number and appveyor.yml#L5 with the next-ahead release number.
  • Replace nuget version number in Version.targets#L4
  • Publish branch to GitHub
  • Wait for the CI/CD to complete.
  • Merge the branch into main and delete it afterwards


Big thanks goes to the following people who helps us ♥️