Edinburgh Napier University Coursework for Sensing Systems for Mobile Applications (SET09118)
Made to demonstrate 2-way communication between a mobile device and a microcontroller, thus project consists of two parts:
- a WeMos D1 mini with a DHT11 temp. and hum. sensor and an addressable LED strip, and
- a simple Android Mobile Application that displays a temp. and hum. info and allows a user to change the RGB value of the LED strip. The two components were connected using the MQTT protocol and an external MWTT Broker (now defunct).
Mark for this coursework: 92/100.
Temperature logging via MQTT component adapted and developed into Honours Project
Future work:
- Port mobile application to cross platform environment such as Xamarin (C#) or Ionic (Typescript)
- Replace MQTT broker with updated system, possibly a localised broker hosted on a raspberry pi connected to the home network.