A list of cool Colabs on Machine Learning Imagemaking or Art
Ken Burns Effect by Manuel Romero
3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting
BigBiGAN by Tensorflow
BigGan by Tensorflow
TF-GAN on TPUs by Tensorflow
DeepDream by Alex Mordvintsev
Minimal DeepDream Implementation by Tensorflow
Image Colorizer by DeOldify
Video Colorizer b y DeOldify
First Order Motion by Aliaksandr Siarohin
FUNIT by shaoanlu
Process WikiArt Dataset by Peter Baylies
Lucid visualizes the networks of many convolutional neural nets
Lucid by Google
Lucent - Lucent is a PyTorch variation of Lucid.
U Square Net by Derrick Schultz
Shape Matching GAN by Derrick Schultz
SinGAN by Derrick Schultz
StyleGAN Paintings (StyleGAN1)
StyleGAN Encoder Tutorial by Peter Baylies
StyleGAN2 by Derrick Schultz
StyleGAN2 by Mikael Christensen
SWA Playground by Derrick Schultz, based on Python Notebook by @arfafax
WikiArt Example Generation Peter Baylies
Neural Style TF by Derrick Schultz
ESRGAN by Derrick Schultz
Image Superresolution by Erdene-Ochir Tuguldur
SRFBN by Derrick Schultz
SR Zoo ported to Colab by Derrick Schultz
Super Slomo by Erdene-Ochir Tuguldur
CUT by Derrick Schultz
CycleGAN by Tensorflow
MUNIT by Derrick Schultz
Generating Piano Music with Transformer by Magenta
Sampling and Co-Composing with Prompts by Anthony Matos